
The U.S.A has no official language?

by Guest56935  |  earlier

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According the the Olympic outline by Yahoo! Sports (seen here:;_ylt=Aiec.4uGY.i7sYJCPpuQXNsTv5V4)

The United States has no official Language. Why is this?

Shouldn't it be English?

*Note: I am not by any means trying to bring up any controversy, or any discrimination issues. I really just want to know*




  1. The United States has, in no way, in no manner, ever put anywhere in its laws, codes, etc. ANYTHING saying that it has an official language.  English is the de facto language, but there is nothing that makes it official.  Hence, all the controversy about making Spanish an official language.  

    The people who DON'T want it so, say that Spanish, the second most spoken language in the US should NOT have official status, since English, the MOST spoken language, doesn't even have that status!

  2. You pose a very good question.  I also would have assumed that English is the official language, but it appears that in all these years we have failed to declare it as such.  The U.S. Congress is currently debating the issue although I'm not sure why it isn't already so.

    Declaring an official language does not mean all other languages are banned.  Many countries have an official language but several others are spoken too.  Just look anywhere in Europe or Latin America.

  3. I SAW THAT AND WAS OUTRAGED!!!  English was been the official language in this country from day one.  But made law in 1981. See source.

  4. i think english and spanish

  5. i think the official language because people speaking english settle in usa .by any means they were not the first but they were the ones who stayed and didnt leave.they taught the indians to speak english. then  when people in other contries saw how good we were doing  and how poor there country was.for example when irish potatoes had a potato blight they immigrated to new york.

    i learned this from social studies class although i cant remember the dates i definitely know what i'm talking about.

  6. For more than 200 years, Americans have gotten by without declaring English our official language. This raises an obvious question: Why should we do so now? Why does English suddenly need "legal protection" in a federal Language of Government Act?

    Read the rest of the article for all of your answers.

  7. yea USA doesnt have an official language..and no engilsh is not the official language..english is the universal language

  8. Well, it's the land of the free....and you should be free to use your own language.  

  9. True.  There have been occasional pushes to make English the official language, but these have never scored much traction.

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