
The U.S. is ahead in the medal count, but China has more gold....?

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So doesn't all that just really mean that the U.S. is better at being average than any other country?




  1. Metal counts are tacky,  we participate to participate in a great world wide event.

  2. No, it's because this question is TIRED. It must have been asked about 10x yesterday.

    China has more gold, the USA has more medals.

    Get over it.

    P.S. I'm guessing you come from some unimportant country that got 1 medal... so your perception of the US as not dominating sports anymore makes your little ego feel good. Guess what? The US could care less. Get over it.

  3. And if China's women do get stripped of their gymnastics gold medals, does that mean China's the best at cheating and then acting like they're awesome?

    ...See, I can ask pointless inflammatory questions too.

  4. It means we have more exceptional athletes, more depth, in more sports.

    Average won't get you to the Olympic games.  

  5. We have more medals in more sports. China only dominates in some but we dominate in the rest. Plus, China has been cheating with their young gymnasts who won lots of medals and the biased judges giving them better scores and worse scores for the U.S. and other countries. Honestly, it's bullsh*t. The U.S. would still be behind by a few gold medals if you decide to do an unbiased medal count, or we may actually be ahead. Nevertheless, we are still the dominant force in the Olympics.

  6. No, It means they have more money to spend in sports nd that makes a huge difference in an athletes performance.

    If you say their better, fine.Keep telling yourself that and you actually might start believing it.

  7. coming in 2 or 3 is hardly average

  8. This has been asked over 340 times

    search next time:

  9. People are offended because this is the 500th time we've heard this question.

    Sure, it means whatever you want it to mean; who cares anymore. Honestly.

  10. does it really matter, the U.S. is ahead of your country, that's the main factor LOL.

    The fact your care about the U.S. so much lends to you being highly jealous, nice job.

  11. Better at being average? Wow, you think highly of yourself don't you? If that's the case then it sure wouldn't bode well for countries that have less than ten medals to their name, wouldn't it?

    The medal counts (regardless of the system used) really mean nothing, they are just tallies and if that's what you make them out to be, then so be it...but what you've said is a gross oversimplification and it belittles a number of countries besides the US.

  12. I think that there needs to be some sort of point system associated with the medals.  An example of this would be:

    Gold = 10 points

    Silver = 5 points

    Bronze = 1 point

    If you use this point system with today's medal count, you would get the following:


    41 Golds = 410 points

    17 Silvers = 80 points

    25 Bronzes = 25 points

    TOTAL = 515 points


    31 Golds = 310 points

    36 Silvers = 180 points

    35 Bronzes = 35 points

    TOTAL = 525 points

    Of course, the points associated with each medal can be debated, but I would think that a system such as this is entirely appropriate to award athletes for winning at least some sort of medal.  If no value is given for anything other than gold, then why would there be silver and bronze medals?

  13. This question is a bore, even after the 4839th time I've heard it. No, that's not what it means.

  14. Is it really that important?

  15. the medal count should not be the purpose for a nation's participation in the Olympics.  what matters is that each nation's participation shows their willingness to come together and compete together in a harmonious world event.

    the Olympics is about the whole, not the individual.  every athlete is a winner for representing and bring honor to their nation.  and every nation is a winner for choosing to participate in unity.

  16. all it means is that us has a wider range of variety. they play better in multiple sports rather than the best in some.

  17. "Iwanttok" needs to grow up. Participants want medals, but there are only so many to award.

    "Jacacaca" is an a++hole. You asked a valid question. It is jealous that it doesn't have the smarts to think of such questions first.

    "Michael B"--if it weren't for a medal count, we could all play together on the jungle gym, and play four-square, and have a Coke. Geez--winning medals are what the Olympics are about! USA vs the commies!!

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