
The UK have only got 4 yrs to get their act together! after last nights embarrasment..cant they do better?

by  |  earlier

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We were anxiously waiting for the UK to put on a great show to entice people to their games and show us what they are capable of> well what a disappointment their segment was. The whole world CRINGED !!




  1. of course uk's performance would pale in comparison. it was in china so they didnt really have the resources to blow people away. one of the things that made china's ceremonies so spectacular was the number of performers involved in each segment. was uk supposed to fly hundreds of people over there? cgi fireworks shooting from the bus? ask china to borrow some of their light-up suits and wire-and-pully system? what were you expecting?

  2. i didnt cringe so there is your last statement killed.

    oh no 4 years to get our act together.... thats not long now is it only more than 1432 days left! seriously stop being so negative those 8 minutes mean very little its just a chance for us to cram as much about our culture in as possible.

  3. I didn't cringe either - I was grateful they didn't resort to theusual British stuff like Morris dancing and twee customs! I was however cringing at Boris Johnson with his undone jacket, hands in pocket, saluting at everyone! If he wanted to look casual then dress casual buthe looked like an overgrown schoolboy who doesn't know how to behave!

  4. I wouldn't call it an embarrassment, but yeah I was dissapointed. I think that in comparison, China outdid England, but I guess we'll have to hope for the best and expect better from London. Maybe they're saving everything for the real ceremony.

  5. i didn't think it was so bad. they already made a point of saying that they aren't planning to out-do china or show off themselves culturally like china did. they're planning on showing the cool Britannia and i think they did exactly that at the closing ceremonies. they'll be fine. don't you worry about great britain.

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