1. Most Products are now made overseas and thanks to those Big Brand Name Owners Influence, we have "Free Trade" -
2. U.S. Goods are TAXED at importation in these 'free-countries' so they are more expensive & possibly as expensive as European and Japanese products.
3. Big Brands get even more 'tax breaks' for providing, minium-wage jobs.
4. More Large companies and manufacturers are Closing & moving overseas where its cheaper to produce.
5. American Products" are perceived as "inferior", even in its country, compared to European and Japanese.(BMW, Benz)Creating less demand and finally more unemployment.
6. We keep playing 'Lone Rangers' globally against any country (that promises oil) but costing us TRILLIONS a day in wars.
7. Gas Prices... well that one continues to expand.
8. Anything we invented here is copied and sold in China at a fraction. No Real intl. patent security, no chance for USA to make anything that wont be reproduced elsewhere.
9. 10. ...