
The US destroying itself?

by Guest33270  |  earlier

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Every major world power in the worlds past has crumbled. Is it our time? ILLegal immigration has flooded our towns, the us may vote for a man who doesnt support its past nor present. A man who doesnt wear a US flag pin nor covers his heart when the pledge is beeing said. Im young and my future looks a little grim any advise?




  1. vote for bob barr he will save america.  

  2. Lenin once said a capitalist will sell you the rope to hang yourself with. We are selling the rope to China now. We borrow to buy lead painted toys and bad drugs from them and send our jobs to them. We buy made in China everything because it's cheaper. The USSR fell because it was bankrupt. Rome fell because they got soft and lazy slaves did the work and the rest just wanted a good time. We even have outside workers come in to do jobs the welfare people won't.

  3. If wearing a US flag pin means that much to you get  one and go to Mexico. There's plenty of room there for confused people.

    George W. Bush has done all in his power to destroy our Constitution. Obama/Biden will get us back on the right course and heal the wounds caused by the moron Bush.

  4. That's what happens when you over expand your empire while borrowing billions from communist countries.

    The neoconservatives have done far more damage than the liberals. That's the irony when those Rushbots come here and post there drivel every day. Poor saps.

  5. Global corporations did that.  Citizens don't know it yet.

  6. Your future looks grim b/c you cannot properly understand 'smear campaigns' and will simply believe what you are told instead of looking at the facts....and your spelling is rather poor. You should work on that if you want to be taken seriously in today's job market and have a promising future.

  7. Rome lasted for 1200 years, we are still only 332 years old. Our power may decline in some time, but not too soon.

  8. Learn how to farm, work with wood, and hunt. They'll be good skills to know when we all go into the mountains when the Apocalypse comes.

    But ya, our time is coming.

  9. No, we simply need to harvest a bunch of socialist parasites and everything will be fine.  

  10. really, you will be poor forever.

    sorry for you.

  11. The US has been destroying itself these past 7 years.

    Rudyard Kipling had the best advice for you:

    When you're bleeding and left on Afghanistan's plains

    and the women come out to cut up your remains

    just roll to your rifle and blow out your brains

    and go to your God like a soldier.

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