
The US election - is this really democracy?

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Please take time to read this. Scroll right down to the names involved in the anti Obama campaign and read their profiles. Is this really the way to run an election? Is this the sort of 'democracy' America is trying to sell to the world? Comments please.




  1. I saw this comedy on TV a few years ago and the main character, Al Gore, won an election, but in a hilarious twist, a monkey became President. And then this crazy monkey started flinging his faeces at the rest of the World. Oh, how we laughed. They don't make sitcoms like that any more.

  2. No. America is not a Democracy, it is a Republic.

    Why is this sort of question, or any political question concerning the US in the UK & Ireland section? Don't you people have your own little islands to worry about?

    If you spent more time bothering your own government maybe you wouldn't have so many spy cameras all over your little islands.

  3. Not at all!

  4. Well it's a good Ad UK endorsing Obama.

    If more than 40% of it's true I will be surprised.

    Besides regardless of what Obama is trying to achieve the UK WILL NOT vote for OUR President.

  5. wow that is one sour grapes article. " the Republicans are better at this than us, so it aint fair"  waa waa boo hoo. That is all I read.  a very biased article.

  6. why do you care? You can't even get straight teeth in the uk

  7. I'd rather dragged down the Swanee than the Thyme's

  8. It is well known that the British press has a liberal bias to it just as the American press does.

    I find it amusing that they at the end of the article they list all of about 6 people, how does that compare to the thousands of reporters and TV media types that will not report bad press about Obama.

    There are serious issues with Obama to the point that if he was in the US military he would not be able to even get a security clearance.

    And you ought to be happy that America likes to "perform" on the world stage or does it bother you that you are not taught in German.

  9. I don't think the rest of the world is in any hurry to adopt American style politics anyway. I can think of no other western democracy that does it like they do.

    We can all see that it is nothing more than a big bucks, personality popularity contest, where actual policies take second place.

  10.   Well Americas saved your asses and the rest of Europes two times now already.  Just love how you allow America to bear the burden of freedom and then complain about our actions on the world stage beating your socialist fists against your chest.   The problem is the rest of the world wants to drag us the good people of the USA into your Swanee cess pool of Socialism.  Keep it please on your side of the lake ! We dont want your failed ideology, your failed economies, your failed social programs, or failed exccuses that have dragged us into two world wars and now have dragged us into another conflict against another sinsiter opponent.  

  11. Although the question was valid (and no, this is not a democracy), you completely ruined the question by going on to attack America.  

  12. I'm an ex Hillary supporter that is now a republican.   Its not our fault that we don't see the republican the same way as the rest.   For us its like the neocons abandon the building.  Were just making ourselves at home.

  13. The US is not a Democracy, it's a Republic.  Not politics, it's a FACT.  Besides, we don't need Brits misdescribing a government that's not their own.  I'm sure you have plenty of work ahead of you trying to make your own country even more socialist than it already is, we don't need you trying to make our country more socialist!

    We drag you through the Swanee 1775-1783.  You Swaneed us a bit 1812-1815.  We drag you out of the Swanee in 1918, and again 1942-1945, and prevented you from going back into the Swanee from 1945-1991.  If you're in the Swanee now it's your own doing, we didn't put you there.

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