The US says the missile shield its sticking in Poland is to defend against Iran, yet they are on about invading Iran anyhow and they dont even have nuclear weapons. Futhermore Europe isnt bothered about Iran but yet the US thinks they now need to protect the world do they?. If thats the case why dont they put missiles next to South Korea as North Korea has nukes?. No its about gaining influence in East Europe while trying to encroach upon every part of Russian policy. The Yanks have always wanted to gain influence in the Caucasus so what better way then sticking an American friendly puppet government in the area then give them permission to bomb the Russian friendly enclaves as to allow NATO domination. NATO is a relic of the Cold War but yet its gaining bases and Nations all over the world. Perhaps they want another Cold War as they seem to be wanting it more and more. The US does not seem to be happy unless its going to war with somebody, the only difference is that nobody else is allowed to go to war, only the US. How long until the US becomes another Nero thinking they can do what they want while ignoring everything around them burning. The US is destroying itself at a huge rate at the moment what with huge third world immigration and a huge federal deficit. The bubble is already bursting but i guess they want to take everybody down with them.