Two sisters came to visit today,we went to the library returned and took more books.After reaching back to my house we were talking about a 7yr/11yr should not watch family guy.When an advertisment came on about what you will hear next. I was asked by the 7 year old can a man get pregnant.When I said no and finish answering all her questions it was the 11 year old time to talk.When she began to tell me how on the internet a man had a baby,she explained everything she read about the tranformation.....Anger,shock so many different thoughts took control as I tried to explain that if they needed blood or swabbed her mouth or died,that she indeed would be found woman not man and that she look like and may have man parts but there are parts of her body that cannot be changed....My questions are the opening question and these was I right and exactly what cannot be changed?Most importantly WHAT are you going to tell your CHILDREN WHEN they ask and they will ask you,or READ half truths?