
The Undertakers short absence from WWE.?

by  |  earlier

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Every wwe fan know that the Undertaker was banished and is now back. Now all you fans gotta know that it is scripted so heres my theory. The Undertaker is party-ing out late and goes and drives home. On the way home he get arrested for drunk driving they tell him he has to serve a month in jail or how ever long he was out. So they make this who PPV so that the fans still like him. Then he comes back more popular then ever. Did you think that is possibly? What do you think?




  1. he had old injuries that were bothering him and if you paid close attention after he was "banished" when he was exiting the ramp hios arm was bloody and dangling so he most likely also broke his arm

  2. The Undertaker always takes off about this time. There are several reasons he does it. The first as people have said is to help heal his injuries. The second is to keep his character fresh. He has had the same character for many many years, but by taking time off it's not oversaturated, and helps to keep him a fan favorite. Third is he owns a real estate business with a friend. He takes time off to work that business, and other ventures he has. Fourth if it was the party/jail scenario as you suggested he would not have been able to do the Australia tour to fill in for an injured Big Show after his 'banishment'

  3. why would a dead man be partying, wouldnt you think he would be at funerals or graveyards or something

  4. No. I think he was "banished" so he can take care of small nagging injuries and to spend time with his family.

  5. Not even close. The Undertaker has been having some issues with an old hip injury he has been suffering for years & there are rumors floating around that he may have hip replacement surgery sometime in the near future & how will this impact his career as a wrestler is unknown.  

  6. he had time off to heal and take care of his knees

  7. if he got arrested people would know about.

    the reason he left was to heal a nagging injury because hes getting old and needs to be healthy

  8. NO, not possible. He took time off to recover from some injuries.

  9. why would he party?

  10. no.... he when to that WWE tour with his family while healing those minor injuries  

  11. lmao!! LOL!! he had to heal minor injuries and spen time with family. and if he did get arrested, it would be ALL OVER THE PLACE! and they wouldve kept him in jail. they wouldnt let him leave, beacause he could leave the country

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