
The United Nations as a International Peacekeeper?

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Has the United Nations been an important role as an international peacekeeper and if so can you provide examples? Any input would be much obliged





    The UN can be very limited because of the veto that the US and Russia use too often.

    Also, some countries won't pay their duties, notably the US.

    This is sort of like someone holding the ball until every one plays by his rules.  This is very unhealthy.  Indicative of juvenial thinking.

    So what will we gain by discarding the UN?    I expect the US, who wants to control everything , would make itself the police of the world.  Can't go this way.

  2. No. It has no real role anymore since no one really pays attention to anything coming out of there - especially not the US.

  3. The UN is a truly amazing peace-keeping organization. Under the most difficult circumstances, whether Hezbollah is piling up weapons and firing rockets into Israel, or the Rwandans are tearing each other apart, or Saddam Hussein is selling some weapons and hiding others, UN Peacekeepers remain completely............peaceful.

    Once I saw a UN Peacekeeper nearly lose focus and abandon his mission. A Hutu had just killed a Tutsi and was savagely raping his wife. The Peacekeeper began to scribble notes in what looked like a truly agitated fashion. But while bent, he did not break. Breathing deeply, he regained control and calmly continued his report while the Hutu finished his rape. It's true what they say: not enough people are willing to sacrifice for Peace.

  4. No, the United States alone is the only country unselfish enough to care about other countries in need of help.

  5. The UN keeps the peace where ever they go, but not further than 6" from where they are - take the UN post in Lebanon as an example:  the UN troops rarely left their post to see what was going on around them as Hamass [sic?] built up all around them.

  6. It has never worked for it's purpose - peace keeper.

    Without the armed power behind you, there is no power.

    The UN has so many wasted rules to bind the hands & endanger the lives of any "volunteer" troops that they have.

    The countries who give military to the UN waste their military power. The UN is mired into rules & silly politics & thus useless.

  7. Well compared to most efforts the United Nations has played an important role as an international peacekeeper. They may have not been the best but its the effort that they tried to resolve peace between the indifferenices in the world. Let's take Rwanda for an example. In 1994 U.N Peacekeepers entered the area. There may have been some difficulty for them by not being able to really take action against either tribe of Rwanda but they have been able to save many lives that were in danger at the time of political instability. The world today has so many problems that it is hard to restore peace throughout the world but from the United Nations, their efforts are working as international peacekeepers.

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