
The United States is falling! Do you agree? Why or why not?

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The United States is collapsing like all the great empires before it.

The United States is in so much debt with China aalonethat if China were to call up their money, the United States would be one of the poorest countries in the world. Even more so than Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Without China calling up their favors, the U.S. economy is getting worse, and the value of U.S. money is steadily dropping.

The United States Military is spread way to thin to ensure the security of its homeland.

In the U.S. education is far below most of the other Nations in terms of modern knowledge.

Oil dependency has the U.S. by the horns, and as of right now, if the oil runs dry the U.S. will completely fall with no hope of keeping control of the country, If they begin drilling more oil, its going to destroy the environment and further contribute to environmental instability and global warming.

So, what do you think, will the U.S. survive its down fall? What do you believe is going to happen?




  1. We are falling as the super power but we will be here a long time. Over the next 100 years I think we will see China and India pass us up as powers. We are going through what the UK seen 100-200 years ago and the fater we adjust the better.

  2. Why do you think the US owes China so much money ?

    China's share of the US Debt has only increased 150 billion since 2001.

    China isn't even the largest foreign holder of US debt.

    Japan is.

    China only holds 4 percent of the US Debt

    And they cannot call in the debt, like you think they can.

    Chinese banks are invested in US Treasury Bonds.

    Those Bonds have maturity dates.

    From anywhere from 5 years to 30 years.

    2. The US military is spread to thin ??

    Only 13% of the US military is deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan rioght now.

    That leaves 87% ready to do whats needed.

    3. Blame the teachers, not the government, Bush has already increased the federal education budget, more than any other president.

    4, Global warming ?? you actually believe that ?

  3. Yes America has many problems.  Our money is backed by nothing, our money doesn't represent value it represents debt, we have military bases in over 130 countries, we are borrowing money from countries just to have a base there.  If you want to call me an isolationist because I think thats a bad idea then do so...we can not police the world, we can't tax everyone to death, and we can't keep living beyond our means.  RON PAUL 2012!

  4. If the USA fails to stop importing from China and Japan and instead concentrate on manufacturing goods in the USA with US labor it is doomed.

  5. NO the United States is not falling.. Of course I know that you and the rest of the supporters are hoping the "change" is.

    God Bless the U.S.A and God Bless John McCain!

  6. Nope.

  7. No body likes truth because it hurts.

  8. The United States has been through tougher times. Read your history.

    We've had everything to a complete crash in the economy (the great depression), to wars amongst citizens of the same country (the civil war). if America gave in like everyone else we'd of been eliminated at least 7 times over by now.  

  9. like i think the president should seriously take care of this country before going into problems with other countries, it's seriously not our job to baby other countries.

  10. Is that the Norwegian flag on your avatar?  Well, I'm an American and I can tell you that most Americans would agree with much of what you have said.  However, I don't think I'm as pessimistic as you seem to be.  Not only that, but America is by no means alone in having a struggling economy.  Certainly, power is being shifted in our global economy, but this does not necessarily indicate that America is "collapsing."  

    We need to take a serious look at our policies in this changing world.  Not only the US, but everyone.  We all must make adjustments in our dynamic global economy.  Personally, I wish that the US would have remained with a more isolationist policy.  We get criticized for our blunders but rarely even recognized, much less thanked, for our contributions to the world.  

  11. Most Americans, if they know anything at all about the Federal Reserve, believe it is an agency of the United States Government. connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted.

  12. Naw...we are cycling. It happens occasionally.

    Republicans have screwed things up, so we elect Democrats and let them s***w up for a while until we re-elect Republicans again, and so on and so on.

    You haven't been at this very long...have you?

  13. Another example of public education.

  14. Let me guess, you are a Republican.

  15. The British Empire collapsed not that long ago.  And Great Britain is still doing okay on its own.

    Perhaps the same will happen with USA.  The US government will need to cut back on its excessive borrowing and spending.  And the US government will need to limit its involvement in the affairs of other countries.  But for its own people USA will have enough resources to maintain a good standard of living.

    About half of all military spending in the world is spent by USA.  And that kind of thing cannot go on much longer.  The US economy makes up only 25% of the world economy.

  16. No,we won't survive our down fall. Our elected leaders are doing nothing to stop the bleeding and those up for election, or re-election will only continue the current ineptitude.

  17. i didn't read your long speech but yes I do agree America is falling because we are not sticking to the constitution and the founding fathers.

    We need a limited government not a bigger government.

  18. The truth is our dollar has lost its buying power.

    The economy is in bad shape, and our military expenses are too big while we are bogged down hopelessly in Iraq.

    We are not yet collapsed, but the ship needs to be corrected fast.

  19. I believe that it's such a juggernaut that were here to stay.

  20. Let me guess, you are a Democrat

  21. Wow!! everything you said is correct. ITS ALL THOSE REPUBLICANS FAULT. Thank God election day is only 70 days away, VOTE THEM REPUBLICANS OUT !!. They've screwed this country up !!

  22. yeah! america is certainly gonna fall unles sum miracle happen!

    american govt n the ppl will pay for their destrucutive policies.

    on second thooughts i think not- amrica won't fall! cuz america's puppet govt. all over the world. they will help america in its tiem time of need.

    for oil, there is still sum more to be looted frm iraq.

    u know, this u.k., israel america- all r like minded ppl. so they otta help each other by supplying money to kill more ppl in the msulim countries


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