
The West has allowed the Arabs to hold us to ransom over oil. Now Brown gives them alternative energy as well

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Having allowed the Arabs - OPEC - to hold the West to ransom over oil and gas prices. Brown sees the only sensible option is to allow them to invest in and therefore take some control, if not all control, of our alternative energy sources ie nuclear and renewable.

Why cant the UK invest our own money in securing our own energy supplies?

We have allowed foreign companies to take over our utility providers and charge us more than their own countries.

do you agree that the UK needs to become energy independant to secure our future?




  1. Absolutely - that's why I'm pro wind power. We have lots of sea around the UK, we should put turbines all around us. Also, why can't we use rapeseed oil in our cars?

  2. You don't have any money to put into renewable energy..

    Just like the Yank's you are borrowing money from China..Haven't you heard of a Current Account Deficit..

    It means you are spending more that you earn..One day it will come back and bite you and the yanks on the bum...

    The only way you can invest money is to make money or print

    more . Which drives up inflation and interest rates and means your money won't go as far..

    Your on a Merry-go-round and it is getting faster and faster

  3. They are not holding anyone to ransom over oil. They own THEIR oil. The oil that is in their territory. Nobody is forced to buy it. Instead of complaining about how high the oil prices are and that they hold us to ransom then people should start to research how to create a product to replace oil.

    If your government do not secure your own energy supplies that is not because of OPEC or oil rich countries. It is because your government decided to do so because of whatever reasons. It is them to be blamed. Not OPEC. Not the oil rich countries.

  4. What do you think they are doing in Iraq and afganistan.

  5. As usual,New Labour permanently depletes our country's wealth,resources and skills to appease other countries in the search for short term answers to an angry public's questions.

    Brown got nothing but polite lip service from the arabs in his recent visit.He has nothing to offer them and they hold all the cards.

    His entire visit was merely to prove to the British public that he was listening.

    Ok Brown ,youre a good jet set listener.Now what?

    If Brown wants to listen ,then perhaps he should give us a general election.

  6. All Brown has to do is lower fuel tax and the

    problem is gone.This visit is a smokescreen

    Or the idiot would like to think so.Labour is

    giving so much of the county's power to

    the EU.that within 20 years we will be dependant on all our needs.Experts have

    already said we will not have a farming industry within the next 15 years.The action they take is to keep  them in power

    without having power.They are now going

    to pay parents £200 to make sure their

    children get to school and eat healthy food


  7. No one is forcing us to buy oil. No one is forcing us to burn it at a profligate rate which we are doing. We dug our own hole, now we have to lie in it. Why blame the sellers of oil for selling it at prices fixed in London and New York, etc. You might as well blame farmers and supermarkets for holding us ransom. I suppose you do.

    The sight of Gordy going cap in hand to ask them to help us stop using so much oil is so ridiculous that even the Monty Python team would have been rolling on the floor with mirth. Like the drinks companies are going to invest in the Temperance movement!

    You ask why foreign utility company charge us more than they charge in their home country. What do you think their govt and citizens would do if they charged their own people more than they charge their foreign customers? Say, if BG were to charge the Brits more than they were charging the French or Germans. Of course, they have to charge foreigners more.

    And of course we should be energy/food/politically/industrially/cul...  independent, but that's all wishful thinking. Our leaders and our political system will not allow it. Our liberal democracy has led to weak  government and indecisiveness. Shareholders do not give a toss for nationalistic causes. They are only interested in making more money. Let's not blame the Arabs or Russians, or foreigners.

    BTW, the reason why oil prices spike is that most of the oil futures are held by people with links to certain leaders. When the time comes for them to dispose of their contracts, a word in the ears of some people, and another hint to bomb Iran is dropped. Prices go up, and voila, more billions in the coffers. But try and get the evidence, and you are history.

  8. This is  a hen and egg problem.Which came first?If the oil price goes up what happens to US and UK.The Arabs donot produce manufactured goods or arms.The increased petro dollar earned by Arab countries are used to import manufactured goods,Arms from US and West.They also invest in shares of US and Uk companies besides spending as tourists in exotic resorts abroad.Only poor countries like Pakistan ,Bangladesh suffer from oil price increase.I donot say that people of UK and USA are not affected by oil price increase,what I want to say the increased imports by Arabs promote exports and booming industries in the West.As an individual of UK or US you may be suffering, but as a nation UK or USA will be benefitted.Difficult to believe?

    If you want to solve the problem  it is required  to develop non-oil dependant vehicles,utilise more public transport,promote cycling.Can't you develop a liquid hyrogen car?Can'nt you deveop a car running on water or batttery?ICan't you develop a cryogenic engine?If you develop what will happen?The value of huge un tapped oil resources of US also will become Zero.In fact nobody,except common man is concerned about oil price increase.

    You will appreciate that the only sensible option is development of non -oil based technology.In the long run ,OIL is not going to last for EVER

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