
The West prefers visuals over Game-play – Video Games Update

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The West prefers visuals over Game-play – Video Games Update
In an interview with Siliconera, Director of the Capcom Devil May Cry games, Hideaki Itsuno has stated that his team has learned a lot from the western developers Ninja Theory who are currently working on a Devil May Cry Reboot.
Itsuno has revealed that the biggest difference between the Japanese and the western approach is that the western developers start with the visuals of the game and build the game mechanics on top of that where as Japanese developers work on the game-play
bits first and then design the visuals according to the game mechanics.
This is true as Nintendo has also claimed many times that they put game-play over everything else. Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, Zelda and the Metroid games which are the big three of Nintendo’s first party Intellectual properties (IPs), has stated
that he focuses on game-play first, story and everything else is secondary.
This difference in approach might be one of the reasons why gamers are not very fond of the upcoming Devil May Cry reboot, simply titled DMC. Ever since the announcement trailer, Ninja Theory, the developers behind Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, have been
getting a lot of hate from all the DMC fans who believe that the developer is about to ruin the series.
This all started when Capcom announced that it was not satisfied with the sales that the Devil May Cry games usually bring in and thus was outsourcing the franchise to a western developer. Ninja Theory claims that Capcom approached then and asked them to
reboot the game and make it completely different than the original series.
The result was a very western version of Dante which the series fans have not taken a liking to so far. But it seems that Capcom is not really interested in the original fans of the series but it looking for a new audience... the Call of Duty audience which
will ensure that sales for the game exceed 3 million units which will be higher than any previous Devil May Cry has accomplished.
Devil May Cry fans are worried that if this western reboot is a commercial success, Capcom might just decide to scrap the Japanese DMC games and just stick to developing more installments for the reboot. The new DMC is coming out for the Xbox 360 and the
PlayStation3 in January 2013.



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