
The Wonderful World of Drug Excuses

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The world of Olympic sports is plagued by drug use and the use of illegal substances by athletes. Every athlete it seems wants to win and be the best but some of them take winning to new levels. The use of any sort of drug or substance that gives an athlete an edge over others has been banned from the Olympics for as long as anyone can remember.

The Olympic committee has done an admirable job at trying to curtail the use of banned drugs amongst competing athletes. Still the culture remains and every year athletes are found to be using illegal drugs and illegal substances.
The funny part of this story is a recent article that emerged showing us the weird excuses some athletes came up with to get away with using illegal drugs. Some may very well be true and maybe the strange thing the athlete is claiming led to the banned substance being found in their bodies did actually happen but it is still funny to hear some of their excuses.
The article that mentioned this was on the BBC sports website and it was about the Chinese Olympic Judo champion, Tong Wen. “The coach of China's Olympic judo champion Tong Wen has blamed pork chops for her positive test for the banned substance Clenbuterol. Tong, the 78kg category winner in Beijing, has been banned for two years and stripped of her 2009 world title.
But her coach Wu Weifeng believes China's food safety problems were responsible for the positive test. "She trained in Europe and was sick of the food so we gave her a lot of pork chops when she came home," said Wu. Clenbuterol is used to prevent animals like pigs getting fat, but has been used illegally by athletes to build up muscle,” ( /sport2/hi/judo/8672794.stm). Wen’s admission of the fact that she ate a lot of pork chops, which caused her to consume excessive amounts of Clenbuterol, is very strange indeed. One has to ask, exactly how many pork chops did this lady eat?
A facet of human personality is that most of another or us at one time will say or do anything to get out of trouble. The feeling of panic that grips you when you know you have done something wrong, that feeling of dread, makes us all scramble to come up with an excuse to explain what happened to us and how we are innocent. Sometimes the excuse is true and what the accused person is saying actually did happen to them but a lot of the time they are just trying to get themselves out of a hairy situation. The world of criminal justice is littered with thousands of funny and bizarre examples from people claiming their innocence, and it starts very young within us because even little children will be seen to be making excuses to try to exonerate themselves from failing to do their homework.
The world of the Olympic Games has seen its fair share of excuses from athletes, another Chinese athlete, this time a swimmer, also claimed that eating pork chops had made him have excessive levels of Clenbutrol in him system. Someone gave a rather funny that the excessive levels of testosterone found in his system were from having too much s*x and drinking, ( stm).
When will athletes learn that giving these kinds of excuses really isn’t helping their case too much? Do athletes really believe that people will believe that having too much s*x caused them to have excessive levels of testosterone in their bodies, highly unlikely?
What is odd is the fact that so many athletes continue to be found with illegal drugs in their bodies, they must know how strict the rules are about this kind of thing. This intense desire to always be the best is bringing out the worst in some athletes and the worst side of athletics and sports in general is seen when things like this are brought to light. Hopefully one day the world of sports will be able to rid itself of cheating and unfair drug use. Until that day though, we can be content with listening to some very good excuses that come out of the mouths of athletes.



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