
The World is facing huge problems, what with financial turmoil, food shortages threatening millions etc.?

by Guest21384  |  earlier

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So why are so few questions being asked here about these problems whilst silly idiots go on and on and on about the McCanns ad-infinitum?




  1. The big elephant n the room is never noticed

  2. Because the issue is so huge, and scary, and frighteningly obvious

    For people who comprehend whats happening to the planet

    You also have country's like China America India Britain to name a few who pump out toxic waste to the Sky's, dump there filth into the sea's, rain forest chopped down daily

    So it not that no one cares

    But unless there is a change in the leaders of this world, we feel helpless

    The green peace vessels are doing there bit to stop the mass slaughter of our whales ( the planets ) but see how few against the army of China

    If all the people on the planet stood up and be counted for a stop to this mass destruction

    Then they may be hope


    There is no hope

  3. Good question but sadly it's the mindset of some people on here, they just like the confrontation and a good fight and probably have no understanding of world politics.

  4. Because the vast majority of people believe that the problems of financial turmoil, famine, etc. are just too huge for individuals to do anything about and that anyway it's up to Governments to come up with the solutions whereas the difficulties confronting individual families are on a more human scale and easier to relate to. (Just a statement of fact not a personal opinion).

  5. Lack of intellect, small minds, closed minds,just to mention a few!

  6. You are right.  We should not care about one little girl.

    We should care about the millions who never make the headlines.

  7. No-one is stopping you from asking these questions. Fire away.

  8. Because it's a lot easier to focus on one family than to try to understand the problems of the wider world and certain posters enjoy the feeling of superiority gained by ripping other people apart - I guess it's all they've got in their sad lives.

  9. Because we live in a world which is blind to the true problems, and a world which is affected by the media. On the news the main article may be about some sort of thing which is important and the rest will be to do with 'celebrities', so we only the remember the 'celebrity' news as there is more of it.

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