
The Worst Pitchers in MLB

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The Worst Pitchers in MLB
Every sport has its favourites and its least favourite players. Player standings are not based on personal grudges but the game of a player. Five of the weakest pitchers, who are currently playing in the Major League Baseball, are looked at in more detail below. 
Brian Moehler
The first on the list of worst pitchers is the 38-year-old, right-hander Brian Moehler, who has been a part of 20 games for the Astros in this season. Brian Moehler holds a record of .045 batting average which means 9 for 202 with two doubles and by the way this is his only extra base hit.  He has a .152 on base percentage and a slugging percentage which is disastrous for a player who wants to make something out of his career.
Brian Moehler started his career when he was taken in by the Tigers, later he played the first six years of his major league career with the American league. Seems he did not learn anything related to hitting skills in this time. However, this is not a criterion of being a bad pitcher as there is no relationship in starting a career with the American League and being unable to hit. The justification behind this statement comes from Dan Haren, who happens to be the best hitters of MLB, despite the fact that most of his early career was with the American League. The other examples for players who started their career with the American League are Tim Hudson with a .182 batting average, 446 OPS and Johan Santana with a .162 batting average and .440 on the base percentage and slugging percentage.
 Clayton Kershaw
He is truly a young south paw of the Dodgers. Not only is he young in age as he is 22- years-old but he is way too young as a hitter. However, his stats show a .078 batting average with no extra base hits in 115 at Bat and .187 OPS, which is horrific.
Ben Sheets
There are two things that this 32-year- old can’t do. One, he can’t manage to keep his elbow safe for pitching and the second is to hit. He holds stats of a .078 batting average with a .200 on base percentage and slugging percentage of approximately 400 plus at bat. According to polls done on the basis of media reports, Big Ben should be on the top of  this list having given 400 at bats and yet have such a terrible score.
Claudio Vargas
One line for the Los Angeles Dodger, he is the proud owner of .080 batting average and a .195 on base percentage and slugging percentage.
Doug Davis
The last on the list of the worst pitchers is Goug Davis whose career resembles Ben sheet’s as in, he too has 400 major leagues at bats. He holds a .085 batting average and .200 OPS. He is a little better than the number 3 worst pitcher on the list, however the stress here is on ‘little’.
This list does not end here; there are few more names that need to be adjusted because of their horrible stats. The names are Aaron Harang with a .094 batting average and .218 OPS. Here one thing is obvious, size doesn’t matter especially when it comes to hitting.
To wrap it up, this is the list of players who need to work on their game. There is another name that needs to be mentioned and that is Roy Halladay with a .108 batting average and .225 OPS  but it won’t be fair if he is wholly included on this list as  64 of his 102 career AB's have been delivered in this season. Not to forget his first season was with the NL. After playing with the American league for 12 consecutive years, this can be said that Roy needs a little practice.



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