
The Wrong Stuff?

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Have to say the channel 5 production has lost a viewer here with me!Ive never seen a more blatant display of political bias in my whole life,you may have just as well had Cameron on THE WRIGHT STUFF this morning!!As well as the Tory toff on (i forget his name)again for the 4th time,evey call was blasting the government and even the smug little xxxx Wright and his 'panel' of puppets joining in the chorus,this cannot be healthy fellas when a programme on prime time tv is so unashamedly Tory propaganda it was sickening!The intellects this grubby little programme appeals to?here's a clue....Fridays mystery question.....'Who's botty burps smell the worst male or female?''answer after the break was 'Womens,was the answer!the imbeciles who are in charge of this c**p should be looked at by the broadcasting authorities and have the garbage took off air!!




  1. If you watch this often enough they cover quite a lot of ground, many things that other TV programmes wouldn't touch, i find that he can be irritating, but no more so than than many of the so called Journalists who inhabit our screens with their puffed out chests and foghorn voices and many of whom are just over opinionated buffoons.

  2. I actually saw the programme this morning and agree with you 100% P.This is supposed to be a light hearted talk show but just latley all it's been is about Browns lack of personality,Brown this, Brown that,the guy's never been given a break since the conman (and Tory) Blair stepped down and this programme this morning is the most biased Ive seen as well.What makes it worse is when you've a Tory MP, Ed Vasey, sat smirking on the panel,a biased audience and eveyone of the calls pro Tory without once saying what the Cameron lot intend to do if they get power,one here wont be voting Tory that's a fact!!The answerer above is wrong Ive seen this show many times and it is controlled by Tory right wingers,very much like an animated News Of The World,they've lost a viewer here as well!!!

  3. I'm nowhere near a Tory but i like Ed Vaisey and think he speaks a lot of sense, for a politician. Their bawdy anti-labour rants can get a bit much- low grade Newsnight?- but I found the discussion about gang culture this morning thought provoking and relevant.

    The Wright Stuff is a televisual version of the sun; Its early morning great background tv, at least it makes the brain move more than the zygotes on the 'Jeremy Kyle show'

  4. I am absolutely staggered by what you have had to say. Not because I don't think that the Wright Stuff is biased, but because you actually think that it has a Tory bias. You couldn't be more wrong. By the way, Ed Vasey is the name you are looking for. Channel 4 do not have a Tory bias, and they wouldn't promote any programme that has.

    I can only assume that you don't watch the programme very often, and have got the wrong impression from this particular show. In reality, and I have seen it enough times to know, it is Liberal/Left through and through, and so is Matthew Wright. His panellists nearly always comprise, particularly the women, the metropolitan elite type, like  Lowri Turner, Jasmin Brown etc. Their views on pretty much everything is very predictable. Well into women's rights and feminism.

    They all regularly sing from the same Lefty Liberal hymn sheet, regularly taking pot shots at the Daily Mail.

    So, I am in the sad position in agreeing with you that Wright is a smug little git, but a right on Liberal git with the usual PC type attitudes. the whole programme seems to be aimed at brainwashing housewives into lefty/liberal attitudes. I have even known Wright to slam the phone down on people who, for example, might want to question immigration policy.

    Are you judging this programme from one showing, or have you seen it many times? Hey! I agree it is c**p, but it is left wing c**p. Therefore, I constantly complain about it, but for the very opposite reason that you do.

  5. They usually have the panelists on for a week, they aren't always Torys ~ sometimes George Galloway is a panellist.

    Who was the Tory in question?

    I have never found it to be blatantly Tory.

    It does slag the Labour Government off alot, but why the h**l not? The majority of the country is disappointed with them.

  6. Any programme that involves itself as a political discussion prog for either parties should be strictly monitered,this programme hosted by a former tabloid journalist appears to be getting above itself as I seen it this morning and agree with you it was discraceful!It's supposed to be live isnt it,?Someone wants sacking,Wright is the first I had in mind!
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