
The Yahoo News is saying that Palin lacks experience and that is the complaint against Obama?

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But the President needs experience. The VP does not since the VP is like an apprentice President. Right? Obama knows that McCain made a brilliant strategic move. Alaska is like its own country and Palin is the supreme authority there. It is the biggest state in the country.




  1. There's more people in Chicago than there is in Alaska! Being the Governor of Alaska is NOTHING like being the Governor of NY or a state w/ a major city. She is NOT qualified. McCain has health issues and he's not spring chicken. He needs someone who is ready to step into the role of President and it's not this lady. No way! Obama and Biden are rolling in the isles of their campaign bus over this one. WHAT in the world was McCain thinking?!?! She's describing her self as a Hockey mom and a PTA mom -- are you joking? She has to be ready to deal w/ terrorist attacks! We're in the middle of a war and there are other threats brewing around the world -- no way is she ready!  

  2. I would rather have an experienced president than vice president.  Palin sounds like she's going to bring some much needed fresh ideas to the campaign.

    Alaska is being described now as the "smallest state in the country".  They mean this in terms of citizens.

  3. NO


    She has run a city - she has run a state - she has rattled the " ole boy network ".

    McCain / Palin  ' 08

    Palin  ' 12

    Palin  ' 16

    Palin will be the first woman elected to the White House.

    Palin will be the first Woman President.

  4. this may not be a popular opinion, but my first thought when mccain introduced palin as the vp was that he turned the elections into a circus.  it was like he pulled a rabbit out of the hat.

    i don't believe that he chose palin because of her political experience at all.  it was a strategic move to pull votes from obama.  we'll see if his trick worked or not.  but, i believe that he shook off many of his supporters when he chose palin.  it seemed as if he did it out of desperation, and it didn't sit well with me at all.

    i think his stunt may have pushed more people to vote for obama despite any opinions they have about his lack of experience.  i don't think that mccain's move worked in his favor.  in the unfortunate event that palin has to act as president, how would people feel about her experience then?  mccain is asking her to be more than an apprentice.  she needs BIG TIME experience.

  5. Palin is the only person on both major tickets that has any executive experience.  This as both Mayor of a City and Governor of a State.  She has succeeded in fighting "Good Ol' Boy" politics and had a 90% approval rating in her own state.   A approval rating that also includes Democrats.

  6. I really like having some who, finally, has done something to change corruption and speak out for real change and reform. Not just change for change sake but reform, restructuring and making things go properly.

  7. Palin can run a government.  She already did in Alaska.  Whether Obama can or can't remains to be seen.  

  8. And Palin's being accused of misusing her own power with tapes of her spokespeople putting pressure on others to back up the claim.

    I don't think she deserves the Vice Presidency. I don't think she's earned it and I don't think she's used what power she's had responsibly.

  9. I am concerned also about the VP, because if something happens to the president the VP will be president. I don't think Palin is a better pick than Biden.

  10. i am tired of democrats and their sexist attitude against women. i'll hold my nose a vote mccain  

  11. Obama is not experienced, or at least not near as much as McCain, if that's what you're getting at...

    And I agree with Charles C.

  12. No, the VP needs experience.

    The VP becomes president if something happens to the president.

    Palin has less experience and is younger than Obama.

    But those are some of the main complaints about him that republicans make.

    Seems a little hypocritical to me.

  13. Just remember which one is running for the top spot. Enough said.

  14. I'll take Palin's strong work ethic and relative inexperience over Biden's 30 years of crookery any day. And this is coming from a former Obama supporter believe it or not. Though all in all I'm not too excited about any of them.

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