
The ability of a child to stand and perhaps climb usually occurs around the age of ___ months?

by  |  earlier

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A. 10

B. 12

C. 14

C. 18




  1. 10 month

  2. it really depends on how much u work with the kid than an average age but i would probably say A. 10 months is when a child starts to develop standing skills which eventually leads to walking and climbing.

  3. anywhere from 8 to 18 months though every once in a while kids are a bit early or late mine was bowlegged and didnt till they straightened out at 19-20 months. my son is 6 months and climbs into and up and on top of things though

  4. 10 months old is ususally when they start to stand and climb and then by the age of 12 months they start walking. Now mind you everychild is different.

    My daughter started walking at the age of 9 months old.

  5. Most babies will pull up and stand by 10 months and walk around 12-14 months. I was early at about 9 months (but I have a family member that walked at 7.5 months...that's early), my husband was late at 18 months.

    I have 4 kids, the first three walked at right before and right after 1 year old, but my last was 17 months before she walked on her own.

    Each baby learns these things when they are ready.

  6. B.12

  7. It depends on the child. Some babies can start walking as early as 7 to 8 months. My youngest started walking at 7months 3weeks. The first time she started climbing was a couple months later when she got the walking down packed. So the answer is off for many kids when it comes to walking,because it can occur at any age from 7 to 18 months. As for climbing when ever it starts watch out they climb any and everything.

  8. id say 10

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