
The accident at six flags georgia?

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i fear to ever go back to six flags or any theme park ever again. i mean after the girl got her feet cut off and the boy got his head cut off, it makes me feel uneasy. does anyone else feel this way at all? uggh. >.<




  1. The boy that got his head cut off was in a restricted area.  He jumped two fences to go inside the ride to try and grab peoples feet when they came by.   I heard a bout the girl but i don&#039;t think that was in ga.

  2. yes, after these incidents i never wanna go back.  actually, id go back but would not get on a ride.

  3. i never heard of the girl getting her feet cut off, but the kid getting his head cut of was 100% his fault he wasnt supposed to go where he was that why it happened. when i went to 6 flags there was a fire when i was on the ride.  yeah i kinda feel that way

  4. I know...I think that is so just EWWW...but, not all of the theme parks are like that...there are just complications and if you are really concerned for your own sake don&#039;t go back to one but, if you are willing to take the chance of fun or possibly not it is totally up to you !!! I am still figuring out whether I want to go back to one again either!!! :)

  5. Yes her feet got cut off. They were able to put one back on and the other was too damaged to be sewn back on :[

    I&#039;ve gotten stuck on a rollercoaster before so I won&#039;t be going on one anymore.

  6. Yes I agree.

    The one last year was the ride was poorly checked out and from what understand it may could have been avoided if they would have been better supervised while the ride was going at that moment.While the girl was on the ride going up slowly the cable from what I understood broke.Everyone tried screaming but the ride operator didnt hear them or wasnt watching the ride enought.Then when the ride went down so fast  it  got caught threw the girls feet.They did take down the superman ride back I think this last march.At least that ride want harm anyone else..They was able to save one foot

    I couldnt imagine that happening to someone I know.It is scary to think about..They was able to reattach one foot but the other was to bad to be reattached.

    I was also on a ride at the same six flags that  happened to last year while on the middle of a ride my seatbelt came unfassened.Scared me horribly.The rest of that day at the park never rode another ride and havent been back to that park again.That was 7 years ago.

    I think when going to a  park people need to check it out first and help watch other people hopfully it want never happen again

  7. the boy who got decapitated was an idiot and ran into a restricted area. the girl happened to be in a freak accident.

    being scared of roller coasters is stupid. you are in a greater risk DRIVING to ride the roller coaster then you are RIDING the roller coaster.

  8. If you&#039;re goin to fear that, you mine as well fear your own shadow. Thats what happens when people dont think and go in restricted zones.

  9. the boy got decapitated because he went into a RESTRICTED area after many signs told him not to.

    the girl&#039;s tragedy was the parks fault though.

    these aren&#039;t the first fatalities though, there were multiple deaths at six flags across the country both because of the park and the people who died.

  10. my bro was in line for that rollercoaster (batman i think) when the dude got this head chopped off. they told everyone to get out of the line. no he didnt see it.

    theme parks are very safe. its more dangerous to walk on a road or drive lol

  11. yeah kinda and it was his arm not head my mom read it in the newspapper

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