
The actual age of retirement for the first time exceeded 64 years

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The Spaniards retired last year at an average age of 64.3 years. The entry into force in 2013 of the phase delay of the retirement age from 65 to 67, to which must be added the tightening of early retirement in March, have raised the actual age of retirement in Spain over the 64 years for the first time, according to the Ministry of Employment.

The increase in the effective retirement age of 63.9 in 2012 to 64.3 in 2013 is one of the largest in recent years, where the increase has been much more gradual. The responsibility for Jobs, Fatima Banez, in presenting the Breakfast studio. A central reform explains this delay primarily a measure adopted by the department in March last year, when tightened access to early and partial retirement.

Also keep in mind that last year began to implant removal of the statutory retirement age from 65 to 67 to be achieved in 2027. Specifically, last year the legal retirement age was 65 years and one month for those who have paid less than 35 years and three months. Furthermore, to calculate the pension took into account the last 16 years of the life of the worker.

All this led to both raising the average retirement age and lowering the number of people retiring early. According Báñez advanced 6.5%. That is, from the data of economic and financial report of the Social Security budget for this year, in 2013 some 120,000 retired before reaching the statutory retirement age.

Despite all this accumulation of data, the natural increase in the number of pensioners in 2013 grew at a rate of 1.6 %, almost three percentage points more than the previous year. However, this variable also plays a decisive role in increasing life expectancy.

The increase in the effective retirement age is a phenomenon observed for many years. Only in 2006 was moved forward. It is likely that the trend will continue in the coming years as the legal age delay will continue until 2027 (this year were 65 years and two months) and also on the horizon there is no reform pensions, just once adopt the latter, a fact that often anticipate the decisions to retire early.

The minister also adelantdo Báñez the number of retirees who combine pension and work: 9,094. Of these, most are self-employed, 7,517, 83% of the total.

 Tags: 64, actual, age, exceeded, Retirement, time


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