
The ad is blocking me from changing the personal assistant?

by  |  earlier

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I asked Yahoo and they gave me standard answer of how to change it!

After clicking on a drop down menu, the list is covered 3/4 by the ad, making it impossible to choose one.




  1. I have seen this exact issue myself.  Fortunately, I use Firefox with AdBlocker Pro.  There is one thing to note here though.  I needed to add a subscription to AdBlocker Pro when I set it up.  I added "EasyElement+EasyList", which took out those annoying ads that your are having issues with.

    EDIT >>>>> If you have IE7, try installing IE7Pro

    I just did it myself and the ads your are having an issue with are effectively blocked.

    Hope this helps

  2. try using adblock plus (only on fire fox) that blocks all the adverts

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