
The address box?

by Guest67099  |  earlier

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Do you have to type something into the address box for it to stay in the history of the address box? what i mean is Do you have to type it or if you type one then go into something else from there like a link does it save all or just what you typed in? Also the computer can't just put something in there right? you have to actually type something in there?




  1. Hi! my experience has shown that if you type it in the search section, the Windows will register it in the address bar "type it". This gives you  your 'address'. Click on the 'down arrow tab' on the address bar & you can scroll through 'all' the info you've searched. Hopefully, you do have it set-up to 'clear' when exit. It can get 'very' long over time & slow the PC down.

    Like me, you sound new to this. Check out ''. Their forum has helped me greatly!

    Good Luck!

  2. In the search box you have to type something in and then hit enter before it saves the information but whatever sites you visited will show up in the search history which records every site you go to for up to 3 weeks.

    If you want to clear the history then click on Tools then Internet Options. Under General click Clear History.

    If you want to clear the search bar on your computer then you will need to clear or disable Auto Complete. This saves all previous searches in your search bar. Here's how to clear Auto Complete:

    For Internet Explorer: Click on Tools. Then Internet Options. Click on Content and then Auto Complete. Then click on Clear Forms. This will erase your search history. If you don't want things showing up again in your search history then deselect the Auto Complete options at the top. Be sure to select apply or ok at the bottom.

    Hope this helped.
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