
The after effects of SERE school

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What should one expect from a soldier who has just gone through SERE school. Certain things to avoid. Is it a big adjustment or no? I realize everyone deals with it differently. Thanks!




  1. I went to Navy Sere school.  Ah, what a joy!  NOT!

    Be prepared for some STINK!  I got undress in the garage.  Send him straight to the shower.  Have some norzema handy; I had ot wear cammie paint on my face and combined with the grime, it was like cement.  After thta, he may want to shave.  LONG shower.  If you can, get in there with him and scrub him down!  ;)

    No big dinner.  His stomach will be shrunk, so he won't be able to eat much.  I couldn't even finish a burger and fries.  He'll also be more affected by alcohol.  Keep that in mind before you welcome him home; that is, if Army wives welcome their Soliers home the same way Navy wives welcome their Sailors home.  Can you say WHO-YAH?!

    Mentally, no big deal.  He won't freak out or anything at the sound of things.  He will no lonmger like certain things they used to irritate him.  I recall they played this hard, weird jazz and also played some muslim prayers.  I can say that I went through SERE in 1992 and still remember "my number."

    He'll be worn out, thats for sure. Let him tell you about when he's ready.

    Sign Me... Prisoner Five Seven.

  2. SERE school is just to give soldiers a taste of what it would be like to have to survive off the land and an idea of what they can expect if they get captured.  Beyond that, no one who has been through the course is allowed to talk about it as it is a classified course.  The maximum penalty for openly discussing it in our current state is death. This is because divulging classified information can be classified as treason, upon which the death penalty can be imposed. Also, soldiers attending the course are given a direct order that they will not talk about the course, and the penalty for disobeying a direct order in a time of war is death. Granted no officer or court in their right mind would impose this. It would probably be more like a penalty of imprisonment and/or discharge.

    But mainly expect him to have lost a lot of weight (15-30 lbs) and be more tired and worn out than you have ever seen him.  But all in all, you will not need to treat him any differently.  Just realize that by law, he is not allowed to talk about it.

  3. Huh? I don't know what fairy tales you've been reading, but SERE school simply teaches you what to expect and gives you a good idea as to your limitations, should you be captured. It isn't a life altering experience.  

  4. The best information is to ask your spouse how he feel.  Your spouse should not be any different and may want to talk to you also.  But as the first answer stated it is just survival training no big deal.  Just support the troops and your spouse.

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