
The age of people using this service?

by  |  earlier

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Some of the questions on this service seem written by VERY young writers. What is the age limit?




  1. Well you have to be 18 to get into the chat

  2. Im 26

  3. there is no age limmit other than parent far as this being a service?youve got to be kidding me right?this is the downfall of tecnology at work.groovy aint it

  4. i think its 13?

  5. it's the internet people can say that they are any age

  6. I don't think they have any way of monitoring age and I haven't seen anything about an age limit anywhere.  Scary and sad, isn't it?

  7. you are sopposed to be 13 (in the guidebook) but nothing stops you from asking and answering if you are younger. Anyone with a Yahoo! account can use it.

    For safety reasons, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to ask or answer questions on Yahoo! Answers.

    If you click "report this question" it asks if you followed the community guidelines and under that is says in blue that if you are younger than 13 you cant use it

    and if you click report this question it won't automatically report it you have to click yes first

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