
The air coming out of my air conditioner is not cold. Why?

by  |  earlier

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Both the fan outside and the handler in the attic are kicking on, but there's no condensation.




  1. You need to be more specific on the question. Do you have a heat-pump or is it a straight AC unit. Is the compressor running? Some units have a high pressure switch that activates if there is too much freon in the unit. The switch is located in the condenser cabinet, (the one outside) and it can be reset by opening the side cover and pushing it back in.

    If that is the case, (high pressure cut-off switch activated), you may have either something blocking the airflow through the condenser or too much freon. Either way, the high side pressure will be too high and the switch will activate again when the AC is turned on.

    That is  the most common problem and I would need to know a lot more about the system before I can give you an educated guess as to what is wrong.

    Good luck

  2. since both units are working - it looks like you may be low on refrigerant.  most home units use R12.  have a profressional look at it. good luck

  3. I would guess there is a problem.  I would first make sure that the screens are all clean, so air is getting through well, and probably call someone.  At least where I am at, it is going to get very hot today, so the sooner you call, the better your chances of getting someone soon to repair it.

  4. You need to Have freon/refrigerant added.  You can buy it but you have to have it added by a licensed mechanic.

  5. Older air conditioners need to be recharged with freon. Freon is what cools the air passing through it.

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