
The airline has changed the destination of my reservation from Milan to Venice. Are they obliged to assist me?

by  |  earlier

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MyAir has changed the destination of my ticket from Milan to Venice. Are they obliged to assist me to get to Milan from Venice, i.e. with logistics and financially? I have paid in full for the ticket.




  1. they shouldnt of done this you should contact them and tell them what happend and get it changed back or yes do ask for compensation.

  2. I've never heard of an airline being able to do that! I would insist that they, at least, pay for a car rental. It's a long drive but beautiful.

  3. I would question the airline . If your ticket was to Milan then thats where you need to go . If they stopped flights to Milan then you should have been contacted and allowed to make other arrangements .

    the site lists both destinations so I would demand it be changed back .

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