
The airline industry suffered its worst year since the post-September 11 crisis AVE S

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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Passenger transport in high-speed trains increased again in 2013, sank a little on the plane, which suffered its worst year since the post-11 - S crisis and also affected the long-distance bus. According to statistics published on Monday that the INE, the number of people who chose the plane to travel between cities in Spain fell by 14%, with less than 28.7 million users. The bus service long distance, meanwhile, dropped 7.2 % to 1.34 million users.

The number of air travelers in 2013, representing a decrease of 4.7 million from 2012, is the lowest for a full year since 2002. Then the Spanish sector suffered a major crisis as happened with all the airlines in the world after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and a new panic attacks.

The causes of this new crisis are in the throes of the economic weakness in demand, as reflected in the collapse of domestic tourism, and expansion of the AVE. Also, the rise in airport charges at some major airports such as Barajas, immersed in their particular crisis despite traced in international passengers.

Given these figures, the long distance train managed to regain the upward trend and added three more passengers million to 25.4 million people. This figure represents an increase of 13.5 % over 2012, when the use of precisely AVE fell 2 %, equivalent to 485,000 people.

However, the decision of the Ministry of Development of lower prices helped reverse this trend and consequently helped to rob passengers on the plane and the bus. In fact, the AVE is a step to overcome the aircraft as the means of transport used in a month in Spain. The distance between them is only 40,000.

Despite the success of the AVE, the set of users who traveled by train down 0.9 % for the Suburban retreat, which is certainly the more people move. In total, the railway was used by 565 million (-0.9 %) in 2013.

In total, the number of passengers who used the public transport was 4486.2 million in the full year 2013, which was 1.8% less than in 2012. Urban transport decreased by 2.1% and 1.5% suburban.

 Tags: 11, Airline, Ave, crisis, industry, postSeptember, suffered, worst


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