
The amityville horror house?

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im going to visit new york and i want 2 know how far is the amityville horror house from times square




  1. Which one? From the films or the one where the people who original claimed the haunting happened lived?

    In the 2005 version the house was in Salem Wisconsin.

    In the 1979 version, the location is not public.

    The alleged haunting took place at 112 Ocean Avenue.

    It is 39.6 miles from Times Square.

  2. Its like in long island and youll have 2 take the long island railroad to amityville and the adress is 112 Ocean ave.

  3. The address is:

    108 Ocean Ave

    Amityville, NY 11701

    About an hours drive by car.

    I used GoogleMaps to get directions for you I will post a link to the view of the house in GoogleMaps for you:

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