
The amount of computational power in a personal computer will surpass that in a human brain ??

by Guest64392  |  earlier

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  1. Digital computers will never "surpass" the power of the human brain (more of an analog device). Computers will need to go thru a significant change in architecture before you can compare the two as they do things very differently. Computers learn very slowly and cannot see knowledge that they are not programmed to store and comprehend. However Humans do this quite easily. Ask even the most powerful (or all of them for that matter) supercomputer to learn a languge that it has no previous knowledge of and see what it does... Nothing... It doesn't even know where to start as it has no ability to think on it's own. A Human must program it first.

    Short answer: Digital computers that resemble what we use today will NEVER equal human brain capabilities.

  2. Considering the idiots which infest government and management I think the time has already come.

  3. the Storage capacity of your brain is not exceeded by any PERSONAL  computer.  neither is its processing power.  there aren't even super computers that have more processing power than the human brain.  And very few computers that can store more.  Newer evidence is showing that the amount of storage capacity your brain has is more likly to be 100-1000 terabytes rather than 1-1000.

    It is estimated that by the year of 2020 there will be a computer that can surpass us in processing power however.

  4. No where near the capability of the human brain. Even with software that can "learn" and write correction software on the fly and implement it without a reboot, the human brain still puts all of our computers to shame. Consider all of the things that the human brain has to control, on the fly, and that would stall any personal computer. The human brain has to control all of the operations of the body, without using interrupts of any kind. While it is doing that, it has to sort information, solve problems, remember information given to it, and retrieve what it needs to solve problems, issue orders and implements what needs to be done, instantly. The PC can not do that.

  5. It has already surpassed it in many ways.  In terms of raw compute cycle as measured in MIPS or Giga-flops, and also the amount of storage has exceed what the brain can store.  It goes to show you that it not how fast or how much, but how ones uses it.

  6. No!

    We just have to consider that there are about 6.023 x 10^23 atoms per gram mole of the substance of your brain. Each atom would be functioning as a binary processor (either on or off; 1 or zero).

    Now take the capacity of your computer drives. You may even assign  200 gigs. That would just be roughly about (200 x 10^9 x 8) bits of information capacity or 1.6 x 10^12 bits.

    This is a far cry from 10^23 bits.

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