
The annoying neighbor. What do you do?

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I have a lady in our building who is well annoying. She trys to be involved and volunteers for things but never follows through. She also likes to pipe in at meetings about things she has no sweet clue about.

If you try to challenge or inlighten her with correct information she immediately goes into defense mode.

I can't stand her. I keep our interactions to a minimum. I also do not allow her the opportunity to give me her .02 cent input which isn't worth listening to.

Short of telling her to shut up at meetings.. any idea on how to get her to pipe up?




  1. What do I do? Remove her skull from her spine with one hand.

    Add: *shrug* You could try beating her at her own game, I suppose. Reject her advice, but give a logical and practical reason for why. Kill her with kindness.

  2. Try speaking to her calmly, and if she gets defensive, just stay calm, its not in your best interest to tense up or to get annoyed at her reaction, as much as you want to. But depending on age if she's older,lets say 40s or more, its normal for her, but either way the best thing to do is to talk to her politely by saying something like, "I know you want to help and contribute to this but saying you will and don't follow through isn't helping us, so if its in your best interest to help, then do something that will" or something similar-

    Hope that helped!

  3. Outside of meetings, just avoid her. If you see her, say "I have to take care of something" and move along. If you give a cold shoulder a few times, hopefully she will stop approaching you.

    During the meeting, after she stops saying a random point, say, "Okay, thanks. Now lets move on the next topic." Don't acknowledge her point or answer it. Or "Ok, thanks, now lets talk to Mr. so-and-so. Or lets discuss this."

    Basically if she doesn't get a reply to her comments in meetings, she doesn't have anything to get defensive about.

  4. I ignore rude neighbors. I exclude them from anything. I don't talk to them and I don't answer when they talk to me.

    If they are rude to me, they get ignored automatically.

    Remember: just because she is your neighbor doesn't mean you have to include her in your meetings or to spend time listening to her.

  5. Say "why do you even bother coming to our meetings, if you don't wanna hear what has to be said? Why do you get all defencive when i try and talk to you?"  "If you're not gonna be civil, don't bother coming." "I've tried to be nice to you, but you haven't so f*ck off and push her down the stairs.

    Hmmm.. on the last bit, that might be a little harsh, lol

  6. Nothing.People like her are very insecure and want to be liked. They think by volunteering etc this will make people like them. As she never follows through I  would not count on her for anything. For example if she says she will make coffee for the meetings say thank you and say oh I think we better have someone volunteer so we have a backup in

    case you can't make it. As for her conversations let her speak and then carry on. I am sure most of the people at the meeting know what she is like to start with so they give little attention to her thoughts.

    Trying to change someone like this or even challenge them is hopeless as you know that just get defensive.Just feel sorry for her

    and try to work around her.

  7. Move.

  8. we had a bloke like that at college.

    we started classes 3 months apart.

    one of the guys in the later class claimed to have a story about everything you mentioned.

    so his "mate" had words with us (the class ahead) and we invented a type of gyro. then at break times, we were sitting around discussing this ficticious gyro and he butted in with a comment about having one at home.

    how we laughed.

    he was a bit more careful about when he opened his mouth after that  

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