
The anorexia lead to a person becoming a celiac?

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I know people with Celiac (gluten intolerance and can't absorb nutrients well etc) are often mistook for someone who has anorexia. But can a prolonged period of someone with anorexia result in becoming a celiac?





  1. No celiac is genetic

    i have celiac disease and im 13 though

    i hate it its sooo ahrd and annoying

    why? r u anorexic

  2. you cant get celiac disease from being anorexic

    i have celiac disease and anytime i eat something with gluten in it i get a horrible stomachache along with other symptoms. some foods are worse than others as well. its really hard for me because i love bread and pasta and now i cannot eat them.

    if you think you have celiac disease i would suggest going to the doctor and they will do some tests on you. i had to go get a biopsy to see if i had it. there are a lot of foods out there that are gluten just have to look hard. hy-vee has a lot of gluten free foods and my favorite...rice chex :]

    i hope i helped! :]

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