
The answer for gas?

by  |  earlier

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at my job i asked about gas is going to be 7.00 dollars a gallion in nov & dec is going to be i want to know now>




  1. I really doubt that.  It might crack $5, but it won't crack $7.

    However, in five years it could be $7 or $10.  Plan your life accordingly so that if it is, you don't lose.

  2. I doubt it will go up that high any time soon unless OPEC starts playing more games with us... the higher it goes the less demand their is and politicians will be forced to do what they should have done earlier - have higher cafe standards and come up with an alternative fuel that is viable.

  3. Until a law is passed making oil speculators illegal,it can go as high as they want it too.

  4. It's very well possible, but I doubt it. If you haven't noticed, gas prices are slowly going down thank god :). Until the law against oil speculators is taken into action, it could even go up to 20/gallon, but deffinately won't. After that law is applied, they should start dropping down. Seeing as how the damand for oil is going down, gas priced will too. In fact, i heard thru the grape vine from some people it might go down to 3/gallon soon!!!

  5. if it went up at its current rate before the decline yes but i doubt it, not enough demand at this point to push it that high
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