
The apprentice, what do you think about Michael being fired today?

by  |  earlier

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...also many have said that Sir Alan favoured Michael, that perhaps he saw an element of himself in him, what do you think that means?




  1. about bloody time i say

  2. Glad he went.  I was on tenterhooks in case he got off again.  He is such a big headed idiot.  Alan Sugar could never have been like him when he was younger.

  3. he THOUGHT he saw an element of him inside mickael... but didnt turn out that way, about time he went though... not qualified to the standards...

  4. Good  ridence!! About time he left too!

  5. they both have jewish mothers

    i liked micheal but agree alan did make the right decison

    i am now backing claire to win

  6. he favoured him because he is jewish but he should ave gone he didnt selll much

    look where he was tryin 2 selll he is quuite dumb no offence he has beeen in the boredroom 3 times in a row i think

  7. its about time he left.

  8. he deserved to be fired.

    He was FAR too arrogant for my liking, all talk no do.  I saw no glimmers of brilliance from him!

  9. Should have happened about 6 weeks ago

  10. I can tell you that there was little of me in Micheal.  He was only there cause i made a deal with his parents.

    Do you seriously think i would tollerate a loser like him any longer than i had to.

  11. He deserved it ........... as does Lucinda next week (oops have I said too much??)

  12. He should've gone ages ago, how thick was he? I was annoyed that dapper Raef went instead of him last week.

    Claire to win, i can't stand her but she is hardworking and doesn't think twice to back stab.

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