
The appropriate longitude of delhi.find some major cities of the world which lie or near the cities longitude.

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The appropriate longitude of delhi.find some major cities of the world which lie or near the cities longitude.




  1. Longitude of Delhi: 77.2 degrees E

    Cities near this longitude:

    Tazovskoye (67d N), Russia

    Kuybishev, Barabinsk (55d N), Russia

    Almaty(43.4d N), Kazakhstan

    Yarkand (So-che)(38d N), China

    Leh (34d N) at 11600', India

    Shimla (31d N), India

    Bhopal (23d N), India

    Bengaluru (13d N), India

    Cape Comorin/ Kanya kumari cape (8d 4' N), India

    Amsterdam I. (38d S), Indian Ocean

    St. Paul I. (38.6d S), Indian Ocean

  2. longitude of Delhi is 77° 2' E

    Cities near its longitude:

    Hyderabad, India - pop. 9.2 million, longitude 78° 30' E

    Bangalore, India - pop. 6.2 million, longitude 77° 34' E

    Kanpur, India - pop 4.7 million, longitude 80° 21' E

    Jaipur, India - pop. 3.3 million, longitude 75° 52' E

    Islamabad, Pakistan - pop. 805,000, longitude 73° 04' E

  3. World-class trivia: W>E: Lhasa, Shanghai, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, Cairo, Al Aqabah, Kuwait, Delhi.

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