
The arctic ice cap used to extend to the NY/PA border - why did it shrink to its present size?

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Did mammoth farts have a lot of methane?




  1. The earth is heating up - it has been doing it for centuries. (Read your history books) There was a continental ICE SHEET COVERING A LARGE PART OF THE US. It is gone. I would assume

    I THINK AGW reasoning is it must have been all those campfires ;)

    Be honest. If you are trying to make money make something that is practical, and works, that people want. Do try to lie to me. Theft by deception is still theft even though you used no force.

    What heats planet Earth? Hmm. – the Sun

    What has Solar Cycles? Hmm. – the SUN

    What is a small contributor to Carbon Dioxide in the Air? Hmm – MAN

    What is insignificant to planet temperature? Hmm. CO2. CO2 levels rising precipitate temperature declines.

    Does something look backwards in this equation? AGW - you should have presented your lies at the very least in a more systematic method, or chosen a more practical villain than Carbon.

    I would have chosen better spokesmen also R.Kennedy, A.Gore, and Lieberman - what a joke.

    Argue all you want. I am a meat eater. I do not eat Air. Put some cold hard facts in front of me that Global Warming is Man-Made. Don’t put a bunch of manipulated computer models in front of me. I can program too – would you like a flower?

    Hope this helps.

  2. Actually, the ice came down much, MUCH further in the past. And while a runaway methane feedback process was likely significantly involved, it's source wasn't mammoths, but clathrates.  And this type of potential rapid (and extreme) climate change is exactly why our CO2 induced warming is such a concern to climate scientists.

  3. Isaac Asimov wrote a novel many years ago called the currents of space and in it he postulated the theory that there are streams of matter throughout the universe and that when currents of certain materials interact with a sun they can alter its heat cycle. So if the solar system entered a region of space where it was dependent on its own store of hydrogen then it might cool down a little like a torch burning only gas. When it latter enters a region where another fuel appears either massive fresh hydrogen or other molecules that would act as an oxidizer like adding oxygen or such as you do to get a hotter flame with a welding or cutting torch the output of the sun would increase and produce more heat just like the torch.

    At that time the worlds sea levels were between three an five hundred feet lower than they currently are also, this event at the end of the last great ice age is where the AGW crowd dredged up the sea level rise numbers they are currently touting. They keep forgetting we only have a few small ice caps remaining after more than 10,000 years of warming and we already have had the big sea level rise.

  4. Here ya go Randal:

    "--It is worth remembering that our warm present day inter-glacial climate is the exception, not the rule during a glacial epoch.  For as much as 90% of the last 2 million years the ice fields on earth have been more extensive than they are today.

    --On the other hand, our current glacial epoch and ice on earth and for the most part is also an abnormality.  Our present-day Arctic Ocean is about 10-15°C cooler than it was at the time of the dinosaurs for almost all of the time from about 2 to at least 200 million years ago (Ma) the surface temperature exceeded that of today.

    --Climatic can change more rapidly than previously thought. The Gulf Stream plays an important role carrying heat from the equator poleward.   When this current is disturbed, dramatic climatic changes can occur over a short period of time. "

    So it's all the Gulf Streams fault!

  5. That was during the ice age.  We are currently not in an ice age, therefore the ice cap is not down to the NY/PA border and man can live in these regions.

  6. "Global Warming" .

    Why the thumbs DOWN-- do you deny that the Earth WARMED up all by itself?

  7. The arctic polar ice cap is larger today than it's been in many years.  But that was after a long era of shrinking since the last ice age.  Earth controls it's temperatures within certain ranges, and man, carbon, water vapor or whatever cannot change that.  Solar activity is responsible for all the climate on earth.

  8. Not CO2 that's for sure.

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