
The art of sledging

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The art of sledging
The fourth Ashes Test wrapped up before the New Year and so did the urn. Andrew Strauss and his men racked a hiatus doing the sprinkler dance everywhere they went.
The Aussies were mourning the death of their cricket and their illustrious captain Ricky Ponting. Their glories were being shoved under the dark clouds as their fans held out umbrellas to denounce the slaughtering of their cricket. The Australian cricket
was in coma for quite some time; however the tattooed Doctor, Mitchell Johnson raised the hopes briefly in Perth. But before they could hold hands and move forward, Ponting broke his little pinkie. With that the Aussie cricket was stomped to death, not even
their toenails survived. The Doctor did not explain how they decided to wake up from the long coma even though they claimed they will fight back in Melbourne; however they lost it to the mighty Barmy Army. Now the Australian cricket’s ashes have disappeared
with a whiff. The cricket enthusiasts are turning their attention in finding fault with poor Ricky ‘Punter’ Ponting and identifying the reasons of their failures.
Even though, some claimed that their cricket resumed business as usual after the Perth victory, the Melbourne defeat overshadowed their humble efforts. The injured captain gave his reasons for the win saying that they won because they were back with their
aggressive form of play. In other words, they put their heads to work and came up with a new book on sledging. Yes, the Aussies favourite pastime was back in Perth and that is exactly why they won. Well, of course it is a logical explanation to their loss
at Melbourne that Ponting lost his luggage which carried the holy book. The aggression that Ponting talked about was not physical, not even with the bat and certainly not with the ball; it was the verbal aggression that was used to unsettle the opponents.
When the players of began their verbal clash, the Englishmen also decided to unload their books from Stuart Broad’s Barbie bag and retorted to their assaults as well.
The flamboyant English batsman Kevin Pietersen said that both the teams have been clashing it out verbally but they made sure they did not go “overboard.” Yet, many believed that the key to win to the Ashes is sledging. The Australian teams, prior to this
particular one has been using this tactic for the past forty years and how gusto they have been in doing so. The commentators are happy to discuss about the sledging behind the glass and it is considered as a normal part of every game. The Aussies are credited
of nurturing the art of sledging. The modern Australian teams are seemingly giving the craft the same attention as they give any other dimension of cricket like batting or bowling and sometimes fielding. This strategy of mental disintegration is known to be
a part of cricket. Some players are even irritated by the fact when critics squeamishly state that it is not cricket.
Critics have been suggesting that Ponting and his men were successful in levelling the series specifically because of their verbal rant. Even Ponting believed so. The correlation between the sledging and their win cannot be proved until the Doctor takes
out time and explains the cause and effect relation between the two. Whatever the case, the players do look good when sledging each other. They always look smart and sassy in their baggy greens and when they resort to insulting each other. They exude a certain
air around them, appearing macho and Herculean. The war of words is known to be dangerous than a little physical one-on-one, as individuals try to get into the mental capacity of each other. Everyone gets touchy and insult children, wives and mothers. Nothing
is off-limit when the verbal duels take place. Therefore, the Aussies last resort is the sledging to win anything. However, poor Punter was already under fire. He lost the book and his captaincy and of course the smallest trophy. It will be remained to be
seen whether they sledge their way in the fifth and last Ashes Test at Sydney


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