
The average teen ager...............?

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I am not planing on loseing my virginity soon but i have heard alot of people loseing it when they were about...14? and thats only 1 year older then me! I am comited on staying pure but im just polling....whe did u (or when do u think) teenagers lose there virginity usually?




  1. im 14 still a virgin

  2. id say between 13-17, thats when most teenagers are "curious" and want to be cool and "fit in"

    its pretty stupid if you ask me, and i agree with you, im staying pure till marriage to.

    whats the point of getting everything done.

    then what do you have for life ahead of you?

    i want it to be special, not just some hookup drunk kinda thing.

  3. Oh you are very bright.

    So, you're implying you want to have s*x when you are 15 when there is a possible chance of getting herpes, or an STD, or even getting pregnant!

    So, it's really worth doing it for just at least an hour. But then you will realize that it wasn't worth it for being a single teenage mom and having a baby on your arms for the rest of your life-or giving it up for adoption, but then having the guilt of it all.

    Yeah-this all is SERIOUSLY worth it because of a moment of s*x.

    Oh no, don't mind me, I'm just the smart one here.

    Realize what you would be doing to your life.

  4. i am 14.and most people i know have lost ,some at,11,13,14,,soooo it depends.

  5. Its kinda sad but im guessing about 15:( f.y.i. Make sure to wait till your married)

  6. I lost mine when I was 15...

  7. I was 13, and the girl I was with was also 13.

    Everyone's ready at different times, don't rush into it but when you're ready to have s*x, go ahead. Just do it responsibly: use a condom EVERY TIME, treat your partner as an equal and don't do anything unless both of you enjoy it.

  8. most people i know of lost it at 14.  Wich to me is sad, because 99% of the time, your not even going to remember the persons name when your, say, happily married with three kids.  Now if you wait until your married, then your with the one you love and it will be something special.  All im trying to say, is that it is very common that girls lose it at 13-16 years old, but that is a very sad statistic. =[

  9. i think it's too early usually. I've never heard someone say 'i wish i had lost my virginity earlier' i plan on remaining abstinent but 14 is a good age to want to lose it...

  10. when i was 16. haha it was a random hook up.

  11. I will lose mines when im ready im 14 and still a  virgin

  12. I lost mine when I was 15.

  13. sometimes its peer pressure or they are just curious.

  14. I would say 14 and up

    and Im still a virgin

  15. Most people do lose their virginity at 15. I didn't lose mine until 17, but I wasn't the type of person who went to a lot of parties. I also never really was into having multiple partners. I've always enjoyed relationships better than flings. I know a lot of people are into that type of lifestyle, and I don't judge. It just was never for me.

    And, when is someone ready for s*x? Really, the way I see it, you aren't ready until you are able to deal with pregnancy and having a child. Even with birth control and condoms, there's always that chance. It's a chance you take everytime you have s*x. That's why I don't understand peopel who get abortions or regret having their kids; acting as though children are a burden.

    However, Im not one to talk because at 17 I d**n sure wasn't ready to deal with that reality. I could now, if need be. But, at 17 I wasn't ready and should not have done it. But, I'm not perfect.

    Take care

  16. lost it at 14

  17. hey hun, i lost it at 15, but if i were you i'd wait a little longer and try to have plenty of protection... just wait until the right time comes, there's no one rushing you!

  18. I'm fourteen and turning fifteen november. I'm not planning on losing it anytime soon. Uhmm I'd say about 16/17. Thats just me. But I'm waiting till I"m married.

  19. My guy friend was 9. My other friend was 10 or 11. My other friend -almost- did (the day they were gonna they broke up cuz I told her he was trash. and he was :3) she was 13 or 14. Im still a virgin. My friend (9th grade) said most of her friends lost their's when they were 10-12. I find that sad though =/

  20. Tbh, I don't think those polls are true. I mean, only the people who lost their virginity would really answer them, because it makes the virgins feel bad because they are still virgins? I think it's wrong, it makes it sound like you SHOULD lose your virginity at 14. I rekon there should be no time frame, when you are both truely in love, and want to express it. But this makes it out like you have to lose your virginity  to fit in and be "normal", and that is what ALOT of teenage girls want to be. To be normal.

  21. Not yet, still a virgin and proud to tell it. Don't give in because at that age...people dont think of waiting for the right person. It's sad, but all you have to so is be yourself and wait.

  22. I lost mine when i was 15; and strangely enough, most of my friends lost theirs around the same time as me...

    about 95% of the girls i know lost theirs at 15 or 16.

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