
The awkward turtle boy (Important)?

by  |  earlier

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So last year I had a crush on this guy and he liked me back. We never were boyfriend/girlfriend... we just stayed as buddies. We would like flirt and such and yeah...

but this year I don't like him and he doesn't like me. I'm fine with that.

What I'm not fine with is the fact that he ignores my existence. I mean, we were friends last year, can't we still be? I'll send him a text or a message on facebook, or I'll write on his wall or something...... but he never responds. =/ He doesn't acknowledge me at school or anything and it's driving me crazy! Why do we have to stop being friends?? Please tell me what I should do!!!




  1. OMG!!!!!! exactly the same with me!!!!!! its driving me nuts! its like i still want to be friends! i think that talking to him and asking him why hes been avoiding u would help. or even better just have a friend ask why,.. or hint it. orrrrr you could be gutsy and see if he wants 2 hang with u and ur friends. or maybe he still wants to be friends also but hes just extremely nervous, i mean you nvr knw.

    hope i helped =]]


  2. he may be thinking that now that u dont like him you guys cant be friends, so think about that and talk to him personally about interesets he likes and u do to, but dont mention the whole 'you guys liking eachother last year' guys get weird around that)

  3. talk to him frst and ask him what's up. sumtimes, ppl ignore u cuz the're mad at u or something, but thay won't tell u. if that doesn't work, frget about it and move on. sum boys r wack and they're not worth ur while.

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