
The baby's father?

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I'm really sorry but I don't want anymore rude comments. If you don't want to REALLY help me then please don't post anything.




  1. If the test shows you're pregnant, tell your bf about it first, then tell your parents. I'm in college and live at home, and I'm 8 months along, so we're really in the same boat. My mom likes my bf okay, but my dad doesn't, but I think it's kind of a parent's instinct to want to protect their children, especially daughters. Just be straightforward with them and let them know how you feel about him, and I'm really sure they'll accept him if you are pregnant, since having him around the baby would be beneficial to both you and the child. Don't worry, everything will be fine, things have a way of working themselves out.

  2. I have a strong feeling that if you are pregnant you parents will WANT him involved. They don't want you around him now because there are no real commitments are obligations. However, if there is a baby involved...oh, you better believe that they will want him around supporting you somehow.

    Hopefully you are not pregnant...You have your whole life ahead of you..If that pregnancy test turns out negative, please take that as a lesson learned and get on some type of birth control.

  3. they probably could..i dont could move out and then you would be able to do whatever you want..

    but w/e just tell them how much he means to you and that you dont want your baby to grow up without a father

    make them's really not cool growing up without a father


  4. Make them a part of you and your boyfriends life.

    i know it sounds hard but invite him for dinner.

    and make him stay and make your parents let him stay.

    let your father have alone time with him.

    i know it sounds scary but its surprising that when you show emotion and passion that parents learn that your not a little kid anymore.

    and that your serious.

    then you can always tell them

    "folks im going to be 18 soon get to know my bf or dont be a part of my babies life"

    idk. other than that.

    good luck.

  5. make sure that he is going to be responsible even if your not pregnant tell him you need to talk to him in private and tell him you had a preganacy test act seriuos and worried and see his reaction.

    if you are pregnant then you should talk to him about getting married

  6. You could just defy them the way you have so far, and if they put up any fuss, move out, and insist your baby daddy take care of you and the baby.

    I hope you have a job and some savings so you can support yourself and the child?  .... guessing no, since you're 17 and living with your parents?

    Have you really thought this through ... at all?

    If your #1 worry about getting pregnant at 17 is if your parents will still let you talk to your baby daddy, I think you might have a bit of a skewed sense of reality and priorities.  What is the most important to you?  Is it doing what you want regardless of the rules?  You've already demonstrated that but reject following through on that (move out and live your own life however you want).  Why is that?  Perhaps something else is more important?   Is it having access to your parents as babysitters, for their money, their food, and their house to live in?  Or is it that you don't want to lose them?  Or you fear for yourself... or your child!... without their help?  Think about what you NEED, and what you want, and what you plan to do.  Then ask YOURSELF these things and what you're willing to do, and not to do, and what you're willing to sacrifice to get what you want.

    Though I'm not sure why you're worried, you've already proven that you can defy and lie to your parents to get what you want, they already forbade you to see him, and obviously you've done far more than that already; so why would this change just because you're pregnant?

  7. okay if he want to tae care of the babay then your parents should not come in between that that is his father and he has a right unless...... {well it sounds like your not going through those typish problems yet}

    but they should let him and you will be a grown adult by then

    remember he has a right you alone did not make a baby

  8. Being that you are under aged you should tread carefully. If you p**s your parents off they may charge your  boyfriend with statutory rape. As far as the baby is concerned, he does have rights as the father, after it is born.

  9. If he can be proven to be the father ( I don't doubt you but to make it legally his) then he will have rights to the child and since you will be 18 and an adult they can not stop him from seeing his kid. If they do then you could get a court order telling them that they have no say in who sees the kid or how it is raised as long as it is all legal.

  10. haya chick

    they dont sound very understanding

    if you want him to be a part of it NO they can not stop you

    if they are really loving parents they will understand that having a baby is part of both parents you and your boyfriend when you find out i think the best thing to do would be to tell your boyfriend first then maybe (even thought they dont let you see him) you should both go to your parents and and TELL them you and him are having a baby and have talk it out with each other because the most important thing in a baby's life is it mummy and daddy :)

  11. they can do what ever they want  untill ur 18 when your 18 u can leave  home and see your boyfriend as much as u want but rememeber their are things called abortions

  12. This is a good news of you and your bf. But it is fact that you are 17. So you have to discuss with your parents about your bf and after that your pregnancy. Your parents love you like you that will you love your baby in future. So don't worry it will be general by time.

  13. Some states 17 is the legal age so you can move out but if you want to stay under your parent's roof you will have to go by their rules.  So talk to them and be mature about this.  Take the test and if you are talk to your mom and if you want to keep the baby don't let your mom change your mind.  You will be the one who has to live with the decison not her.  Ask your parents if you can bring him over for dinner maybe before you tell her you are pregnant and then after tell her maybe with your boyfriend but not the same night because you want her to start to like him but if you hit her with the "I'm Pregnant" bomb she will flip!

    Best wishes.

  14. That's sad to me, Ive been there My parents made me give my baby up. Good Luck !

  15. Have they stated their reasons for disliking your boyfriend?  If they have a valid reason AND you are pregnant, you need to consider whether or not he is going to be beneficial to your situation.  Usually parents are right and if you are pregnant you need to think about what kind of dad he is going to make.  Your decisions will no longer be about you, they will be about a defenseless little baby.  Sure, he may be the father but you are going to have to look at the big picture and determine what kind of influence he is going to be on a little person.  Your parents will be there for you no matter what hon!  Good luck!!
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