I have known my ex-friend for almost 5 years. He is awesome. He is nice and I thought we were close.
We met online, but we have hung out in person. Right now he is in his home town and I am in a completely other state.
When I become close to friends with someone, I treat them like family. Sometimes, I won't stand behind my family member's decisions. We argue about it but then everything is fine.
Well, he is 23 and he decided to date a 16 year old. I felt like throwing up when he gleefully told me. My little sister will be turning 16 in less than a month. If a 23 year old ever tried to date her, I would make him wish he were never born...but this guy was my friend :(
When we argued about me not backing him on his decision to be with her, he said that I wasn't a "true friend". It hurt. We stopped talking for a month.
Tonight, I wrote him. I told him that this kind of relationship hurts. I thought I was close enough to him to say that I don't support his decision and he thought that I would stand behind every little thing ,he made. It wasn't working. By the end of the discussion, I told him that we should burn our bridges and walk away. We deleted every form of contact we have with each other.
I don't know how to feel and I needed someone to turn to.
I just want to know if I was a bad friend? :( Should I have backed him up and supported his decision ?