
The beatles abbey road wallpaper 1680 x 1050?

by Guest67145  |  earlier

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I'm looking for the picture of the beatles abbey road in 1680 x 1050 (pretty big eh!). and i don't want any enlargements of the 1024 x 768 because i only want quality on my mac




  1. 1680 x 1050?  And you don't want an enlargment of a 1024 x 768 because you want quality?  Hehe, got some news for you... any picture you see as a wallpaper is most likely an enlargement.  Even the Beatles Abby Road album cover is an enlargemen of the original picture that was taken so many years ago.  However, I can suggest that if you have a scanner, an the Abby Road album (LP, not CD), simply scan the album cover and make the picture "full size"... so the picture itsself would be the same size as the album sleeve.

    If you have a picture of the Abby Road album cover already, feel free to Email it to me:, and I can modify it to a larger 1680 x 1050 and it will be very good quality.

    In any case, I hope you find what you need.


  3. It should be in 4:3. 16:10 would be stretched.

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