
The bee crises........!!??

by  |  earlier

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what will happen if this continues over the next few years?? and do u think it will??




  1. what's the bee crisis? by the way bees make me shutter--I'm alergic():-)

  2. what on earth are you talking about?

  3. The bee's are ok this year - not as vastly noticed as last. We will be in a big pickle as most of our fruits and vege's require bee's to pollinate. Mass food shortage, more starvation, high prices. No fruits to pick from in our markets. Serious business.

  4. if the bee crises continues most of the food will not have as much as thay have right now. And yes i think it might.

  5. Things won't get pollinated. Crops won't grow. People in China are hand pollinating fruit trees  and flowers. If we had no bees we would have no fruits and vegetables.

    They thought they found the virus that is killing them, but it turned out it wasn't the culprit.

  6. whats the queston?

  7. prices of fruit is gonna skyrocket. And more people are gonna start farming bees and they will get rich

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