
The bee fproblem. Does everyone know about the bee mite that is kiling bees? It looks like a really big crisis

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its the Varroa bee mite. Its a big problem in nearly every country. The reason I am printing here is that bees polinate plants - (fruit and vegetables) without bees there can be no vegetables or the prices go up for the cost of pesticides. Its a major problem What are your experiences - views. In America its a big problem.




  1. In my part of the US the varroa mite has been a problem for about 15 years.  The mite can be controlled in tame bees but there are very few wild colonies here.  Colony collapse is a recent new problem.

  2. Colony collapse disorder has been a problem for a few years now. There are actually entire towns in Italy that have no bees left whatsoever and humans have to actually do the pollinating.

    It took a long time to figure out why it was happening. Now that they know, they can move to deal with the problem.

  3. I've heard about this.  I live north of Dallas and I see bees all the time where I am.  So not sure exactly what parts of the the country are affected at this point.  

    But that combined with rising gas prices is sure to keep making food costs increase a LOT.  I don't know what the general public will do as far as being able to afford the expense of fruits and vegetables before long anyway.  

    If the prices get too high, and the demand lessens, then the short supply won't be an issue so much, which would then hopefully bring the prices back down a bit.

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