
The best UFO coverup?

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Follow along with me: Do you think that the government hyped up UFO sightings for a cover up?

What I am getting at, if you dont understand the question is, what if the government let you believe that UFO exhisted, and made up false documents and made up photos to make you believe in UFO? Just think the best cover up in history is believing that UFOs acutally exhist.

Think about the delta shaped lights that people have seen. What if the delta shape lights were on a low flying Stealth Bomber? So think about it and let me hear your thoughts on this insight.

So the Question I am asking is : What if the Government wants you to believe in UFO's just so that the believers can cover it up?




  1. In my opinion, there's no such thing as a flying-saucer-with-an-alien-from-outer-s... 95% of all UFO sightings are explainable. The other 5% unexplained are due to lack of evidence and eyewitness or a military cover-up due to top secret military project testings.

  2. People wouldn't be looking up in the sky that long. Do you mean so that the ufos would be in the headlines and getting the attention of people in there? Maybe they wanted all the reporters to go they wouldn't go somewhere they didn't want them to go.But, not ALL the reporters would go there. Maybe, they did it so they could say.." was a stealth plane" that they would think that that's what ALL ufos have been . But, they haven't said that. I don't know why..if it's a cover up...they don't tell the air traffic controllers to lie and say  it was a new kind of airplane and yes they saw it. Who knows???!! If they ever do come will really scare us..because..we'll wonder why they're finally doing it. We'll think they've landed!!

  3. that makes no sense at all. why would you cover up a fact that you wanted people to believe in.

  4. So what purpose would that solve? How would it actually help the government out?

    Ok, Well I do believe that the government (All of them) are capable of anything in the way of misdirection, subterfuge, and lying to the people they serve. So sure.

    That being said, it is possible that we have been visited by real aliens. But equally possible that we are just being tricked by governments or others

  5. It isn't clear what your talking about.  BUT, yes, the government used UFOs as a coverup for sightings of secret military projects.  They thought this would discredit the reports during the cold war.  They didn't plan on people being so nutty that they eventually really believed in UFOs and thought the government was covering up the UFOs.

    P.S.  I am from the planet zuptar.  greetings.
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