
The best alternative energy is?

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With what you know today about different types of alternative energy which one would you pick as the best option?

Exmaples are: GeoThermal, Solar, Wind, Ocean Currents, etc...




  1. There are a lot of untapped geothermal resources in the US, I've heard estimates for as much as 200% of our current electricity consumption.  Solar and wind, while very good, can't come close to that.  Also geothermal is a base load power, meaning it's available 24/7/365, unlike wind which only works when the wind is blowing, or solar, which only works (mainly) during the day.  Ocean current/wave power is pretty cool, but I don't believe the technology has developed very far yet.

  2. It depends on what I would be using the energy for.

    For power generation - nuclear

    For heating and cooling my house - geothermal

    For transportation fuels - good old petroleum

  3. Windmills that adversely affect the view from Ted Kennedy's yacht would be the absolute best alternative energy source.

  4. Conervation could save more than the current generating capacity of all of these sources combined.

  5. solar energy can be the most suited alternative energy source.

    for automobiles the hydrogen can be better,

    and for electricity, it would be nuclear Fusion reactors along with wind mills.

  6. A lot depends on where you are. Ocean currents wouldn't be of much help in the Rocky Mountains. Solar power would be great in Saudi Arabia but not at the poles. There is no one answer.

  7. The purpose of finding alternative energy sources is to reduce current and future, temporary and long term impact on the enviroment.  There are many questions you must ask yourself when evaluating qualifications for "best" status.

    Example1: Batteries such as those use in hybrid vehicles - How are they produced? What is the enviromental impact of the manufacturing plant? How much CO2 is emitted flying/driving the batteries from the MFG. plant to the vehicle assembly plant? ... Can the batteries be reworked/ reused after the vehicles end of life??  Do they end up in a junkyard? How long does it take then to decompose? Do they every naturally decompose? If man must use chemical processes to assist decomposition, what are the enviromental effects of those processes?...

    Consider the alternative energy source over its full lifespan, including disposal.

    The tangential effects of alternative energy should be compared against those of the current means. (For example, the fertilizer pollution and effects of farming and production practices used to produce E85 should be compared with the effects of producing and using gasoline. Just because E85 is from plants, doesn't mean it is good/better for the enviroment).

    Face it, most coorporatoins (even green ones) are in the biz to make money. They will market to consumers how Great how Green they are.  The devil is in the details.

    So go out and investigate the full enviromental effects of those alternative energies before chosing the best one for the world.

    My guess is geothermal or hydro power may be the best, but I have not scientific data proving so. We really need a scientist to show us hard data showing the full impact of the available techologies. (Can anyone tell us where to look??)

    Until we have data, I suggest trying sources that you know are better than what you currently have.  I also suggest to reduce, reuse, recycle.  Everyone can do better at these 3 steps and have a huge impact.

    Best Regards,


  8. Wind for sure

  9. DN has it right: NO SIMPLE ANSWER

    It all depends:

    - on your location

    - your budget

    - your application & the kind of users

    - the local availability of resources

    - local electricity grid and gas grid connection

    - the geology

    - the weather

    - the topology

    - the level of technology.

    - the required availability (e.g. wind power is not delivered on a continuous basis)

    While solar is fine for New Mexico, Oregon has plenty of potential for biomass and wind.

    The BEST is an intelligent combination of all of them to answer the demand

  10. I think solar energy is the best, because it is not only free of cost, but is available for a very long time during the day and there is no chance of it getting exhausted. If only the prices of solar operated vehicles and appliances were a little low!

  11. A complex answer.

    Alternative to what?

    If it's fossil fuel we are talking about, I would vest my efforts in will last as long as we do and when it goes out....we won't need it any longer.

    Wind is cool but takes about 15 years to pay for itself

    Geothermal is great if you own geothermal active property. If it's subterranean housing you want, go for it...I like the idea of a constant 68 degree home.

    Ocean current....not for the little guy, only corporate giants can harness the time they give a new Lexus to all the staff and pay for the country club memberships, the energy will cost you just as much as black coal and crude oil.

    Nuclear is a blast

    If I burn the number of phone books I get each year, I could disconnect from the grid.

  12. Bicycle power

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