
The best animal?

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what animal best suits an apartment or a house that has the main level that goes out to a deck




  1. its extremely easy to take car of a hamster, guinea pigs, or gerbils, and you can fall in love with them easily. but i would say a ferret they have to be the most playful animals in the world

  2. A cat.

  3. Definitely a llama. No questions asked.

  4. HORSE :)

  5. Dogs are pretty much ruled out as they are to boystrous to be inside majority of the time. A cat would be ideal for a companion or if you want even more LOW maintenence, fish, reptiles if u like that, or hermit crabs.

  6. Fiddler Crabs

  7. Fish

  8. It really depends on what you want to do with this pet. I like fish in an apartment because they require virtually no care other than cleaning the tank once in a while and feeding them once a day. Plus they are calming to watch swimming around and there's usually no pet rent or anything. :-) But if you want something you can actually play with, I'd go with a small dog. I have a 1/2 Pomeranian 1/2 Maltese and he's a blast to play with. LoL Oh, a hamster might be fun too. I used to have a dwarf hamster and he was like a teeny dog. He would run in my hands and play in this little ball all over the house.

  9. I agree with a cat because they are so cuddley, but if your not into cats you should get a bird and train it yourself to be handled and maybe even talk depending on what type you get.

    you could get a small inside dog that can sleep on your bed to keep you company.

    Ive heard that some people get ferrits for small apartments.

    fish are probably the easyiest to keep.

    hope this helps

  10. a cat or for some thing smaller get a guinea pig !!

  11. a cat. just the right one to suit you. either one that is cuddly or independent. they can keep you company way more than a fish. they aren't as demanding as a dog. especially in an apartment. if your getting a cat make sure you know how to take care of them. they can become your best friend. i love cats too. just make sure that your deck door is closed! make sure when picking out a cat that you are getting one you will enjoy too. good luck.
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