
The best drink to have at starbucks is...?

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The best drink to have at starbucks is...?




  1. Order a french press of pike place roast- its 3$, and you get a ton of coffee. Sit in the cafe, grab a newspaper, relax and get caffienated.

  2. iced tea lemonade, sweetened! It perfect on a hot day, not too sweet either! I get this everytime with a marble pound cake.

  3. Double Chocolate Chip Frappaciuno   yummy!!!!

  4. coffe vanilla frapuccino ligth

  5. Grande Caramel Frappuccino WITH whipped cream. YUM.

  6. capuchino

  7. A green tea latte hold the melon. They usually add melon syrup to make it sweeter but I think it is too much. Also I have it with soymilk instead of milk and that tastes even better.

  8. caramel frappacino

  9. nothing not for 3 50 that can be 1 gallon of gas

  10. Double Chocolate Chip Frappaciuno!! those are soooo good!

  11. depends on the season and your mood...

    pumpkin spice latte. (but it's only avail in the fall/winter).  their new honey latte is good...cinnamon dulce latte is delish!

    their java chip frap or the orange creme frap rawk.

    all of it goes well w/ their low fat banana chocolate chip coffee cake. ;)

  12. Double Chocolate Chip Frappaciuno i havn't had one in like a year but those are so0o0o0o0o0o0o good

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