
The best honey powder product?

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My mom wants me to do some research about honey powder.

She wants an organic, pure, best quality honey powder.

Which is the best honey powder product and where can I get it?




  1. This does not relate to anthropology.

  2. honey powder is made from the highest percentage of honey possible and still have a dry powder. It is 70% pure honey.

    which is roller dried in a wheat starch base. The powder is 70 percent honey. Seventy percent honey powder has about the same sweetness level as sucrose sugar (regular cane table sugar).

    In many recipes it can be used as an equal replacement for liquid honey with good results. In place of honey, use 3/4 parts honey power and 1/4 part water.

    It is a miracle food. It is an instant energy building food containing all the essential minerals necessary for life; seven vitamins of the B complex group, amino acids, enzymes and an antibacterial agent that acts like penicillin and other antibiotics killing microbes and germs. It is called the elixir of life.

    Honey is the only natural sweetener that doesn't have to be refined. It is especially recommended for anyone with digestive problems.

    Raw honey is an energy food. It DOES NOT contribute to "fat" as white sugar does. Many athletes use honey-water solutions instead of salty, mineral, sports drinks. INSTANT ENERGY.

  3. You can get it here:

    It is available in organic and non.

  4. Domino makes a geat honey powder.  I don't know if they sell it retail but it comes in 50 # bags.  You can get it from Chicago Sweetners.

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