
The best pure essential oils to use for inflamed skin and red lumps (i.e. sensitive rosacea type skin) ?

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  1. Actually, pure essential oils are esters and not lipids and are not truly an 'oil'. Some soothing essential oils would include palmarosa and chamomile.

  2. NO oil on Rosacea or acne........ it will make it much worse.  Look at the acne & Rosacea website

  3. I would look into oat mask to calm the redness. Make oatmeal and let it cool. I would stay away from as many chemical products listed in creams and go as natural and organic as possible. If you decide to use Essential oils, use them diluted with another carrier oil like Tamanu or Borage seed, both are great for helping red irritated skin. What I would use would be Lavender and chamomile. What popped into my head first was calendula infused oil as it's great for sensitive skin.

    Try these websites for more info.

  4. I would not use pure essential oil on this skin condition. Combining it with water would be the best as oils may aggrivate the condition and only very very diluted. Tee tree is too harsh I think so something like lavender or borage is best. You can make an oat based mask that will help sooth this skin condition.

    The wesites that have been listed above all have very good advice on them and I reccomend speaking to a professional to ensure you get a fix not something that will make this worse!

    Take care!

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